One Voice with Dr. Pastor Larry Montgomery
Psalm 23 series 153
One Voice with Dr. Pastor Larry Montgomery
Psalm 23 series 152
Moga - Mercies of God Association with Dr. Peter Nortier
Prerequisite of Sanctification
Moga - Mercies of God Association with Dr. Peter Nortier
The Privilege of Sanctification
Sons of Liberty Radio with Bradlee Dean
What Sheep Look and Act Like - You Cannot Make This Up
Sons of Liberty Radio with Bradlee Dean
Waiting For Marching Orders
Tony Alamo - program 559
When you come to the Lord and say this is the end of my life and deny yourself to be filled with the Spirit of the Lord. To end the kind of life you were living, one of them is false doctrine. Eve listened to Satan and sinned and she became Satan's first evangelist.
Tony Alamo - program 558
Everyone is either going to be in the city where the Lamb is alive or in hell fire and the lake of fire where the flames are so hot. There are no words to explain how beautiful the Kingdom of Heaven is for those who really love the Lord.
Tony Alamo - program 557
Blessed are those that fear God and keep His commandments. We are warned about the antichrist church in the book of Revelation. The Catholic cult has been known for years for burning the prophets and killing the people that are really of the Lord. The Catholic cult preaches a doctrine that is false, you're not to pray to Mary.