The Sports Doctor
The Sports Doctor is in! Dr. Robert A Weil, Sports Podiatrist, specializes in orthotics that improve alignment, stability, balance & performance. He has practiced podiatry & sports medicine for over 30 years in the Aurora- Naperville area and was recently inducted into the prestigious 2019 National Fitness Hall Of Fame. Dr. Bob has treated many of the world’s premier athletes from all types of sports. He is the host of “The Sports Doctor™” Radio Show. The show is now featured on BBS Radio Network, UK Health Radio Network & Sports 4 Fanz Radio. Dr. Bob was formerly on HealthyLife Radio and was also on WDCB public radio in Chicago for over 20 years. He has written articles for many newspapers & magazines and is a frequent guest on other networks. And his new book, co-written with Sharkie Zartman, titled '#Hey Sports Parents! An Essential Guide for Any Parent with a Child in Sports' - is now available on Amazon!
Join the Sports Doctor and his great guests for important topical information for injury free exercise, wellness and sports performance for both adults and kids. Frequent topics include, the role of the foot in sports, all aspects of sports medicine including, proper sports shoes, youth safety, health, wellness, and sports performance for both adults and children.
Guest, Dr Robert Weiss
Dr. Robert Weiss is a foot and ankle surgeon who is a graduate of the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine, and residency trained at The James C. Giuffre Medical Center (formerly St. Luke's & Children's medical center) in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Weiss is a known columnist and has written hundreds of articles on sports medicine related injuries, for The Norwalk Hour, The Hersam Acorn Press, The Westport News, and the Darien News Review. He is a veteran of 35 marathons and is know to many as "The Running Doctor."
Dr. Weiss is an inventor who holds 2 U.S. patents for a foot support system/orthotics which stabilizes the foot and ankle and helps as it relates to knee, hip, and lower back symptoms. He is past chief of foot and ankle surgery at the former St. Joseph's Hospital in Stamford and on the staff at Stamford Hospital and Norwalk Hospital.
Dr. Robert F. Weiss suffered as a young man from serious foot and knee problems. He has made it his life's work to use the opportunity to engage in a healthy range of activities.
He has spent over 25 years in research development and clinical testing of a patented, high-tech, biomechanical orthotic for aiding with walking, and general foot comfort. With the help of the patented product he went on to complete 35 marathons.
His orthotic treatment is directed to correct structural deficiency and muscular imbalance. A prescribed orthotic device serves to control motion and position of the leg during locomotion.