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Embrace Your Sphere of Influence

Embrace Your Sphere of Influence with Lexa Rollins
Show Host
Lexa Rollins

Lexa's own experience with transition and trauma ignited a passion and dedication to help others up-level their lives and careers as she is an "executive coach" for the entrepreneur. This is a place where you can meet and be inspired by many diverse entrepreneurs and how they used their "spheres of influence" to create and elevate their own life changing results.

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Guest, Janine Bolon

Guest Name
Janine Bolon
Janine Bolon
Guest Occupation
an analytical scientist, meditation expert and Raja Yoga master
Guest Biography

Hi, I’m Janine, an analytical scientist, meditation expert and Raja Yoga master. I help my clients clear the day-to-day fog of anxiety, lower their stress and reduce their pain through my 3 Minute Meditation Process. 

Do you ever consider meditating, but can’t find the time or inclination to get started?

Here is a common ailment of my clients:

"My frustration with meditation is . . . . that I never get started!  

It’s something I really want to try.  But I find that even three minutes feels like a lot when I’m also trying to: 1) do morning pages 2) exercise 3) get my child off to school.  (I don’t know why I think it has to be in the morning: I always wanted to do it in the morning!)

So I never did really give it a go.  Maybe someday.


I am the professional you’ve been seeking to get you started in your customized meditation practice. 

Areas of expertise include:

* Meditation

* Decreasing Anxiety

* Reducing Stress

* Pain Management

* Raja Yoga-stabilizing emotions & calming thoughts

* Kundalini Yoga-addressing fears & dissolving resistance to growth

* Online Course Creation

* Book Writing

* Podcasting and Blogging

* Public Speaking

* Business and Culture Integration

For more information on the products, services and online courses that I offer through ‘The8Gates’ 
