Galactic Connection
Galactic Connection... connecting minds and hearts everywhere to step out of the 3D matrix unilaterally. Even those of us who have done an immense amount of work are still learning how much the 3D set of rules and limitations has pervaded our recent outcomes.
What you will learn as you listen is news, education, research, healing information, and out-of-this-world perspectives in regards to people, government, country, world, planet, aliens, UFO’s, Galactic Brotherhood, Ascended Masters, solar systems, ancient civilizations and beyond.
This show is designed to get you to start seeing yourself and the planet you live on, in a more expansive view, recognizing that becoming spiritual is synonymous with becoming galactic. Higher dimensional beings will be visiting us, sharing knowledge, wisdom, and vibration that will trigger us beyond our comprehension.
Guest, Jenny Marks
Jenny Marks is an metaphysical artist who communicates multidimensional Light Language Messages from her Guides that unlock other’s resonant DNA codes — via blog posts, lectures, workshops, and “Energetic Frequency Signature” Bundles (glyph drawings + galactic scripts + ancient language speaking). She creates ongoing messages about living life creatively during this time of the “Ascension” + the Shifting dimensional landscape that we exist in now–encouraging co-creators of the Collective to re-mem-ber their true nature + develop their unique Energy Signatures… inspiring creativity into this New Earth template through the Language of Light. A Rainbow Guardian bridging ancient wisdom + modern life, she is a portal opener of Galactic service assisting the rise of all Gaia frequencies to higher dimensions together with joy.
Since childhood, Jenny has experienced the world multidimensionally + expressed herself through various art forms. Her mother + twin aunt were artists who started an art department in a local college where Jenny had access to extensive art mediums + facilities. She was always attracted to codes+ languages + symbols, especially Egyptian hieroglyphs, ancient writings + various alternative performance art forms. Often she would experience many of her senses crossing — she would hear music + see colors + energy movement, she would touch objects + hear sounds + see shapes, taste various flavors then experience shapes + imagery in her mind’s eye. Later she read about a phenomenon called “Synesthesia” which she very much related to. Jenny would always draw new symbols, dance + act out various forms of expression + make up new languages with her friends. Even in her early artwork she incorporated what felt like galactic writing symbols + would talk in languages unknown to her. Recently she discovered a phenomenon of metaphysical expression referred to as “Light Language” or “Language of Light” — and realized this was what she was doing, along with many others in the world. The forms of Light Language expression are limitless — each person manifests their expression in their own unique way… drawing, dancing, cooking, language speaking + script symbol writing. She believes there is a universal Light Language and various manifestations that everyone speaks inherently; Light Language is a higher dimensional form of expression — when shared it is understood collectively by others at some level… there is just a knowing. The more one is exposed to the Light Language of others, the more they begin to awaken to their own expression of Language of Light + often begin communicating it themselves. Light Language is a form of higher dimensional awakening of our embedded Light Codes that exist in our cells + body systems that we can tap into. During this time NOW of profound energetic shifting in the world, our hidden body codes are awakening + coming “online” + Light Language further awakens the Collective consciousness.