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Peaceful Planet

Peaceful Planet with Marcia McMahon
Show Host
Marcia McMahon

Our special topics include the Holy Grail Mysteries, investigating the life of Jesus, past lives with him, and the truth of his mission, which is vastly different than the story presented in religion.

The Ascension Series is another topic of interest for our listeners and we bring world teachers to this forum to discuss the personal and planetary aspects of ascension as it is ocurring now on the planet!

  •  Ancient Mysteries and Sites
  •  Goddess and Divine Feminine
  •  Angel Messages from Marcia & readings for our audience
  •  Peace process in the Middle East
  •  New Revelations from Spirit
  •  Authors from all walks around the world
  •  Creative artists and musical talent
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Guest, Joanna Prentis

Guest Name
Joanna Prentis
Guest Occupation
Author researcher, Past life regressionist, teacher
Guest Biography

Bio for Joanna Prentis. D.Hyp.


I was born in Bangalore, southern India. Just before my third birthday, my family returned to Scotland where I spent most of my childhood and teenage years. After I left school, I travelled extensively, married and lived in Hong Kong for two and a half years and then ten years in the West Australian bush, where my three children were born. It was there that my interest in Alternative medicine and education began and also in organic farming, metaphysics and meditation. With a local nurse we ran a Homoeopathic and Radionic practice.


I returned to the UK in 1979 and later trained as a pre-primary and primary Montessori teacher, this led to me educating my two youngest daughters, Katinka and Larissa at home for a few years.


I have certificates in various healing modalities and hold a foundation diploma in Humanistic Psychology. I also trained with Ursula Markham in Hypnotherapy and Past Life therapy and have diplomas in these also’


With my eldest daughter Tatanya, we set up the Starlight Centre in 1988, a centre for healing and expansion of consciousness. Over the years Tatanya introduced us to many innovative techniques and interesting people. We did two firewalks led by Essasani who at that time worked with Chris Griscom at her Nizhoni school in Santa Fe.


In 1999 we closed the centre to concentrate on producing our books. I now speak Language of Light and continue healing, but most of my sessions are now done on Skype, unless someone lives in the UK.


We also worked with Mary Pat and Fred Fuchs (film producers) and script writer Jo Boyle for nearly four years as advisors for their film, based on our Essene Trilogy, but have not, as yet, been able to raise the funds to finance this film.


OUR BOOKS are available through any good bookseller , but also through Ozark Mountain Press. and Joanna will discuss her new revelations about Jesus and Mary Magdalene in her latest book, the Magdalene Version, Secret Wisdom from a Gnostic Mystery School! Don't miss this show in our Holy grail series.


Marcia McMahon

20 May 2017

This is an interview with Joanna Presntis and Stuart Wilson on the Essenes , Children of the Light! It is part of our Jesus Mysteries series and we wont be taking live calls! We thank both Joann and Stuart Wilson, the book is still available on at