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BBS Conscious Wellness Show

BBS Conscious Wellness Show
Show Host
Raymond Morris

Our focuses on all aspects of the Natural wellness Industry which includes all subjects and therapies relating to natural solution for health and wellbeing, from “Alternative Medicine” to “Personal Growth”, to exploring the spiritual realm. Everything for the mind, body and soul.

We interview owners and manager of spas, retreat centers, publishers, schools, institutes, yoga studios, professional associations, therapists, speakers, professional educators in personal growth and natural therapies, as well as health food stores, manufacturers and distributors of natural health products.

Please visit the archive for past shows, or listen live on Mondays at ???pm PST (Pacific Standard Time). The show will begin on the 9th of Septembre 2019.

Or contact us here and indicate in the message section:

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We look forward to your participation in spreading empowering information for the masses.

Wishing you all great health and joy on this Dinively Orchestrated journey!

Raymond Morris


Our Show Sponsor

Communion Marketing Communications

Communion is one of the only firms specializing in offering turnkey solutions in business development, marketing, and communication and multimedia production to the natural health and wellness industry.

Why call the agency Communion Marketing?

To reflect the interconnection, the quantum field, the unity (with union) of all the elements in the universe as well the act of developing a close partnership with our clients.

We serve spas, retreat centers, publishers, schools, institutes, yoga studios, professional associations, therapists, speakers, professional educators in personal growth and natural therapies, as well as health food stores, manufacturers and distributors of natural health products.

Our mission is to facilitate the development of businesses offering natural solutions for wellness improvement.

Our Objective is to create for you a strategic development & marketing plan which is in synergy with your global mission, your financial objectives, your resources, and your commercial environment. Our Approach is to render you self-sufficient through training in as many functions of your business as possible. We will identify the communication tools that are the most ingenious and economical to reach your target audience. We specialize in using innovative, non-traditional marketing programs that only a firm with personal experience can offer.


Our team is comprised of experts in marketing, strategic planning, business coaching, communication, public relations, advertising, multimedia production and event management ... everything you need to properly develop your business. With 15 years of experience in this domain, we have a profound understanding of this fast growing industry.


If you would like to sponsor this show and get great exposure within the Wellness Community, please contact us for information on our sponsorship packages.

If you wish to sponsor the Show or advertise during the show, please contact us here and indicate:

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Broadcasting Date

Guest, Johnny Blue Star

Guest Name
Johnny Blue Star
Johnny Blue Star
Guest Occupation
Media Content Developer and Broadcaster
Guest Biography

I am a media content developer and broadcaster, very concerned about my country and the planet, particularly in the area of human and citizen rights, distribution of wealth, the environment and safety, including the protection from endless war. To this end, I am in the process of creating an organization called the Coalition for Planetary Empowerment. My new radio show, to be first broadcast on BBS Radio on April 14 at 9 AM PST is called Inalienable and Free- Voice of the Coalition and will be hosted by myself and Hugo Rodier, MD. In this program, we look at political events from a core spiritual point of view, not from the standpoint of any one religion or group. We believe that the ideals of the Founding Fathers, as expressed in the US Declaration and Constitution reflect this point of view in the famous phrase that speaks of all men being created equal and endowed with certain inalienable right. We also believe that although this ideal is not reflected well in American history, things have progressed positively in many ways until fairly recently. Now many of our rights, including most contained in the bill of rights and the rights we have to health, prosperity and safety, including safety from unnecessary war has been challenged. These rights contain not only an understanding of what is proper government but keys to the manifestation of our true desires on a much higher level and that those citizens who understand their true spiritual capacity can help mankind push forward to reclaim its rightful inheritance from the Creator.

2009-2018 Johnny Blue Star is CEO and founder of New Galaxy Enterprise, Inc. (NGE), a media content provider. His company creates a wide variety of proprietary and collaborative media products - from full-length books and screenplays to web content, advertising and promotional projects, commercials, articles, press releases and resumes, etc.

Key Projects in NGE: Co-author of the Thrice Born, Part I, in screen and book form, of Pray for the Angels, a Film and Book Trilogy; Co-author of Boots in Manhattan, Part I, in screen and book form, of The Foot Soldier, a Film and Book Trilogy; Developing Film Musical, Helped edit, write and adapt to screen many books, screenplays and non-fiction properties through New Galaxy Enterprises (see website) an developing two musicals; one for stage and/or film, Hadleigh’s Castle based on songs written with Edgar Arens and sung by Patricia Welch and Dramatic TV series with Music called The Couturier with Cathy Scarms, founder of Sat Purush, an East Indian clothing design company. Developed or modified websites for Patricia Welch, Stephanie Slevin and Cathy Scarms (for Sat Purush)

2016-2018 New Galaxy Broadcasting (Division of NGE) Now Producer and Co-Host of Inalienable and Free, Threshold Radio and Integrative Hermetic Health with Hugo Rodier, M.D., an Integrative Physician

2016-2018 Bridge of Light Productions (Division of NGE) featured songs on various full length Threshold Radio interviews with singer/songwriter, Stephanie Slevin; singer/songwriters, Zave Nathan and his wife, Bonnie Blazak; musician/songwriter and crop circle expert, Patty Greer; songs composed by Edgar Arens and myself and sung by Patricia Welch; featured special broadcasts with singer, Patricia Welch, promoting our songs and her musical CD featuring decades of hit songs;

2017-2018 Coalition for Planetary Empowerment (Division of NGE): An organization is designed to empower people spiritually and practically to improve the quality of life on Planet Earth. Empowerment Protocols in CPE operate on four levels: personal, relationships, business and political. An adjunctive social network, La Planète, is under development, beginning with the United States, to give citizens an enhanced and direct voice in addressing government and corporate governance concerns.

2006-2009 MEDIA CONTENT DEVELOPER: Worked in proprietorship before incorporating New Galaxy Enterprises in 2009. Helped with books, screenplays, press releases, resumes, etc. Began comprehensive media content approach.

2005 ROCKETS AWAY! Founder/Manager: Helped develop first commercial spacecraft media company. Company was chosen as provider of news and information on the private space industry to AOL,

2003-2004 PALWIN CORPORATION, Moorpark, Ca: Project Manager for Paul Winchell, ventriloquist and inventor (patented first artificial heart): Prior to publication, edited autobiography, Winch, co-authoring its adaptation to screen. Promoted book with press releases, radio interviews, new website. Prior to his death, worked on developing Paul Winchell’s streaming Kid’s Network. Started to resurrect his African aquaculture project, “Africa Today-” to create foundation to breed and harvest Tilapia, fish which survive in brackish water. Began efforts to build model for new wind energy invention

1994-2002 U.S. BARTER INDUSTRY: Held a variety of hands-on Trade Director for a variety of Trade Exchanges (barter clubs)- was Trade Director for BXI Developing Areas- including Toronto, Boise, Chicago, St. Louis, Anchorage and Salt Lake City. Helped revitalize areas, which were neglected for one or more years. Also, worked for Millennium Exchange, San Francisco BXI and America’s Barter Network. During this time, developed TradeWorld News- First stand-alone Internet trade newspaper dedicated to the Barter Industry.
