Spiritual Activist
NOTE: The Spiritual Activist Radio Show is a community supported non-profit project sponsored by the Charitable Partnership Fund so your contributions are what make this possible.
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This page is the beginning of me, Rahasya, telling it like it is, which is not meant for everyone in today’s sedated society. But if you are reading this you should bookmark this page and come back frequently because this is the “Uncensored” section of Lotus Guide where we are allowed to do that lost trait called “Thinking for Ourselves.”
I’m in the process of starting an Internet Live Radio show that will be a community supported non-profit endeavor once I can get my non-profit status. To talk about the things that need to be talked about I need to be free of commitments to advertisers so it will be entirely a non-profit mission driven show. The show will be called “Spiritual Activist Radio with Rahasya…Uncensored.” The reason for this is because after many years of looking, and dealing, with life’s problems I have come to understand that they are by their very nature, “Spiritual” problems which means that the solutions need to be Spiritual solutions. When I use the word ‘Spiritual’ I could just as easily use the word “Consciousness.”
Albert Einstein once said that we will never find the solutions from the same level of thinking/consciousness that created the problems. I’m sure you have noticed that no matter what we do we end up making it worse or the situations connected to it worse. Over the past few centuries the only thing we have progressed at is to come up with more efficient ways to annihilate each other and destroy the world around us. Martin Luther King once said that “We have guided missiles and misguided souls.”
We have cut ourselves off from the very nature around us that supports us and we need to reconnect. Without an evolution of consciousness…this will not happen. The answers we seek lie within.
So we all need to be a “Spiritual Activist” which simply means that we need to take action in the world around us using a higher level of awareness. Our world leaders, sorry to say, are on legal and illegal drugs and for the most part are sociopaths making decisions about our lives. It’s time to Wake Up from THEIR madness!
You are not alone when you get this feeling that something amazing is happening even in the face of all the chaos and destruction in our world. Our strength lies in our ability to come together with other like-minds and together we can and will change the world…Join Me and millions of others.
Thank you, Rahasya
Guest, Sheldan Nidle
Sheldan Nidle was born in New York City on Nov. 11, 1946, and grew up in Buffalo, New York. His first extraterrestrial and UFO experiences began shortly after his birth and were highlighted all through his childhood by various modes of contact phenomena, as well as accompanying manifestations - light-form communications, extraterrestrial visitations, and teaching/learning sessions on board spacecraft. During most of his life, he has enjoyed ongoing telepathic communications and direct 'core knowledge' inserts (etheric and physical implants). Sheldan has visually observed and physically experienced spacecraft throughout the years.
Around the age of fourteen, Sheldan requested that the Sirians and their Galactic Federation of Light Allies discontinue communications with him because he was experiencing overwhelming conflict between their scientific knowledge and what he was learning here on Earth. They left, but the Sirians and their Galactic Federation of Light Allies told him that they would be back when it was time to complete his mission for planet Earth and her people. In high school, he was placed in advanced science programs in subject areas such as physics, chemistry, and calculus.
Sheldan received an M.A. in Political Science from the University at Buffalo in 1968. He also received an M.A. in Southeast Asian Government from Ohio University in 1970 and an M.A. in American Politics and International Public Administration from the University of Southern California, where he also pursued a Ph.D. program (1974-76). In the 1970s, he was Vice-President for Scientific Programming at Syntar Productions, where he co-created a documentary on the life and accomplishments of Nikola Tesla. From the 1970s through the mid-1980s, he was involved in scientific research on alternative sources of electrical energy. In the mid-1980s, his extraterrestrial contacts resumed. Currently, Sheldan is a representative and lecturer for the Galactic Federation of Light and, in November 1997, founded the Planetary Activation Organization (PAO).