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Creation Lightship Healings, February 20, 2010

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Creation Lightship Healing with host Ron Amitron; "Jesus’ Prophecy of Ron"
On BBS Radio this February 20, 2010

The Lightship is Creation's Manifestation Center. It surpasses all Earthly written concepts of the Creation process. The Lightship with its Pure Light Energy contains the spiritual blueprints of all manifestations created in the language of Light.

Tune into the Creation Lightship Healing BBS Radio Show to experience this Divine Lightship and its teachings. During the show the Light Being's picture will be activated with "Living Light Energy" while you watch. This is amazing to witness.

The healings offered during the show including the picture of The Light Being will stay activated in the archives. However, the healing offer from the Lightship will be active only during the live broadcast. You do not need to have a particular belief system to receive these Lightship healing benefits.

Because of the Light Beings ability to perform accelerated physical healings, the physical body densities/negativities are quickly and non-invasively released out of the body. This allows the body to heal and resonate with the frequencies of Love.

The Light Beings assist through clearings and healings which allow the physical body to automatically change to a higher state of consciousness within the new energy frequencies. These new frequencies will be our Life Force Energy when the Universal Shift completes. This is the time of Divine Purification and preparation for Ascending into the new Frequencies of Energy. This is why the Creation Lightship is offering its sessions at this time. Blessings, Amitron

We are here in Love, to accelerate the transformation of your physical body, so you will be prepared to Ascend. The Lightship offers The Purification Process for Ascension with Divine DNA Attunements for this Universal Energy Shift.

for all Call-Ins to the Creation Lightship Healing Show

Creation Lightship Healings

Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron
Show Host
Ron Amitron, Light Embassador

The Lightship is Creation's Manifestation Center. It surpasses all Earthly written concepts of the Creation process. The Lightship with its Pure Light Energy contains the spiritual blueprints of all manifestations created in the language of Light.

Tune into the Creation Lightship Healing BBS Radio Show to experience this Divine Lightship and its teachings. During the show the Light Being's picture will be activated with "Living Light Energy" while you watch. This is amazing to witness.

The healing offered from the Lightship will be active only during the live broadcast; the healings will not work when listening to an archived show. You do not need to have a particular belief system to receive these Lightship healing benefits.

Creation Lightships' Divine Light Beings offer their assistance through Body~Mind~Spirit Healings. Visit our website to access all of our healings. The Creation Lightship Healings are the same healings Jesus used 2000 years ago.

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