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Robbert-jan Rozenkruis and Barbara Rozenkruis
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We like to speak about our newly published book, our Order and our work. Fountain Source of Wisdom, Sacred book of Thoth. This book includes a series of teachings communicated to the messengers of Pantheon of Aeternam. They have been instructed by the gods to receive their teachings and spread them to everybody who can connect to truth and cosmic wisdom. There is no secret knowledge to be kept for the selected few. All wisdom is revealed to all who are interested in becoming truth. We do not teach dogma, philosophy or other man-made theory. We teach ageless wisdom and cosmic truth given to us by the High Gods of the pleroma. We want to inform people about the existence of gods, the different realms, the cosmic laws and all activity that is going on for the benefit of Earth and her inhabitants. We want to inform people about the creation of planet Earth and her full story of her creation and growth which was hidden for thousands of years. The teachings of gods will help humanity to connect to the Earth’s energies, be part of the planet and live in harmony with all species. We all have to support Earth and restore her to the most graceful expression of herself, her golden age. The process of communication between the gods and the messengers cannot be explained or described; it is a natural process. The messengers do not channel information they never did. They received this gift in order to assist the gods communicate and awake humanity during this crucial time on Earth's history. The messengers don't try to explain the communication process; they are very grateful that they were chosen and have made this work the focus of their lives. The teachings presented in this book, have not been altered or edited. They are faithful accounts of the wisdom of the gods. This book is not one's inspiration , a fictional story or an intellectual analysis. It is a communication between the authors and the High Gods of the Pleroma. It may seem strange to some of you that there are people that can connect to gods and pass their messages to other human beings; remember that you all have unique talents and you are here in order to play an important and unique role and evolve towards the high gods. The author of this book has the ability to communicate, exchange energy between her and the gods and allow this energy to be transformed into information. She had the gift from birth; this was going to be her contribution to the plan of divine creation. The author of this book has the ability to communicate, exchange energy between her and the gods and allow this energy to be transformed into information. She had the gift from birth; this was going to be her contribution to the plan of divine creation. The Gods helped her to cultivate her skills and become aware of it. Now she is an open channel and through her the Gods can speak to the people of earth. This book is not her imagination or her wishful thinking, not her heart talking neither her mind. This is the book of the gods and it is the most unique expression of them.

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Pantheon of Aeternam is the meeting point between the high gods of the pleroma & the human beings of earth. There is a divine plan & a high project of creation which involves both groups mentioned & what we try to accomplish is the coming of the new golden era on earth. With our teachings we restore truth & freedom and bring high growth for all human beings & their mother earth. The founders of the order are the messengers of the gods; they have the ability to communicate,exchange energy, between themselves and the gods and allow this energy to be transformed into information. They have been instructed by the gods to receive their teachings and spread them to everybody who is interested in truth and cosmic wisdom. The order of Pantheon of Aeternam is open to all. There is no secret knowledge to be kept for the selected few, instead all wisdom is revealed to all who are interested in becoming truth. We do not teach dogma, philosophy or other man made theory. We teach ageless wisdom and cosmic truth given to us by the High Gods of the pleroma. We want to inform people about the existence of gods, the different realms, the cosmic laws and all activity that is going on for the benefit of the earth and her inhabitants. We want to inform people about the creation of planet earth and her full story of her creation and growth which was hidden for thousands of years. The teachings of gods will help humans to connect to the Earth energies, be part of the planet and live in harmony with all species. We all have to support Earth and restore her to the most graceful expression of herself, her golden age. All human beings are able to contribute to Earth’s energy. All human beings have the potential to acquire more light, connect to Earth’s and astral energies, experience the divine self and study mastery. All human beings have the basic tools which can help them to see themselves as part of the divine plan and creation and apply their individual qualities to support the divine plan. We have nothing to hide. We have been instructed by the gods to be open & share the wisdom that we receive. The process of our communication with the gods we are not able to explain or describe. It is a natural process. We do not channel information we never did. We received this gift in order to help the gods communicate and awake the people during this crucial time on earth's history. We don't try to explain the process, we are very gratefull that we were chosen and we have made this work the focus of our lives. We do not force people to believe in us, to change their life style or thinking. What we do is to make the word of the gods known and build bridges between the pleroma and the earth. If people find the teachings helpfull for their own growth or if they feel the need to connect to us and help us to awaken others there are welcome to join us. We, the messengers, do not want to be in the spotlight or get any credit. We are, like many others, part of the divine plan. We have already experienced the greatness of the gods and we have no doubt or questionmarks. The people who will join us will experience the same. Robbert-jan Rozenkruis about the Pantheon of Aeternam.

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Fountain Source of High Wisdom, Sacred Book of Thoth