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Expelling the Demons and Evicting the Killers: The View from the Front Line - This Sunday, April 8 on Here We Stand
ITCCS members issue Eviction Notice to the Anglican, Catholic and United Churches in Vancouver
Broadcast Date
This Sunday, April 8 on Here We Stand
at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, 11 pm GMT on
Expelling the Demons and Evicting the Killers: The View from the Front Line
with Kevin Annett and Peter Yellowquill
Spiritually and Politically, the battle lines have been drawn between a global corporate tyranny and a free humanity. In this second interview and dialogue with Anishinabe elder Peter Yellowquill, we will examine the nature of our murderous adversary and the weapons we must deploy against it.
Peter will describe the massive drug trafficking and criminality on Indian reservations in Canada, and the struggle to revive his peoples’ culture in the face of a looming extermination. The historic Exorcism and Eviction Orders issued against the genocidal Catholic, Anglican and United churches will prompt our wider discussion of how people can fight and win against institutionalized crime.
Also featured will be continued reports from people fighting evil on the ground, as part of the looming commencement of Operation Atonement: The legal, financial and spiritual disestablishment of the Vatican and its partners churches and governments in crime.
With your regular host Kevin Annett.
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