This Sunday February 18 on Here We Stand - Corporate Child Trafficking: A Case from Ireland.
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This Sunday February 18 on Here We Stand
3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, 11 pm GMT on
Corporate Child Trafficking: A Case from Ireland
A multinational corporation named TUSLA is trafficking and harming children for mega-profits thanks to the Irish government. TUSLA is beyond the law and its actions are censored in the media. But one woman is standing up to them, and is facing attacks from the state for doing so. Patricia Bland is a single mother with three children from Port Laoise, Ireland. She'll join us today along with other Irish activists to describe how they are fighting the institutionalized theft of her children and many children.
Also featuring updates about the Operation Atonement campaign to shut down criminal religious body and save children on the ground.
With your regular host Kevin Annett. See and