Errol and Rochelle explore the meanings and implications of Easter and Passover
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Hello again,
Please join Rochelle and I tomorrow morning at 8 AM (PT) as we celebrate Easter morning and the 3rd day of Passover.
What both Passover and Easter have in common is a new beginning.
(Easter from Eastre is believed to be an ancient word for spring.)
The Greek word for Resurrection is "anastasis," which means, "standing up".
Then there's Passover, ("Pesach") where the celebration centers around the Angel of Death passing over the houses of the Jewish people and the deliverance of the Jews from slavery
WOW! That's a lot, but what is most important is how any of this symbolism relates to us in the here and now. And that's what Rochelle and I explored on Easter morning, March 31 2015 which we're re-broadcasting this morning.
We hope that you can be with us and perhaps use this week and our time together today as an opportunity for your own "standing up" more fully in who you are and to realize the possibility of passing, if not over, than through death into the realization of the potential endless evolution we have as unique beings in the cosmos.-"no longer bond slaves to fear," but as liberated children of an endlessly loving "Ever Present Origin"
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