Ask your questions about the future of the world of Linda Schurman, Astrologer, and Rich Spitzer, global Analyst Tuesday 8 PM PT
(I think that that is 20 o'clock) - They speak with Veronica Entwistle, host of Paradigm Shifters. They bring their perceptions, often in harmony yet in challenge, as we question will we survive? Will the planet survive? Where are the waves of change taking the consciousness of humanity? And what is our shared will? Can we hitch a ride on dreams of evolutionary solutions....ask your questions and about solutions to the oil crisis, or the daunting of inventions to maintain a status quo that cripples a huge part of our world. And what about the media? Is it news or control?
Oh we have lots to talk about with these two...Tues, April 24, 8 PM PT
Call in with your questions.