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Our following Radio Free Kanata program on Sunday April 9 will once again be live, featuring a clergywoman involved in exposing church corruption and child abuse.
No Injection Well
Broadcast Date
Dear friends,
For the past several weeks we've been airing important re-run programs from our Radio Free Kanata archive, dealing with the ways and means of enacting common law and its courts. We conclude these re-broadcasts this Sunday April 2 with two featured activists from Pennsylvania whose community has declared local home rule to halt a poisonous fracking operation. Their battle is escalating this month with a renewed attempt by the state and the corporate frackers to shut down their common law defiance. A national gathering of Home Rule supporters will rally in Grant Township, Pennsylvania on April 9; please try to be there if you can. (Write to me for more information)
Our following Radio Free Kanata program on Sunday April 9 will once again be live, featuring a clergywoman involved in exposing church corruption and child abuse.
In wider news, the ITCCS central office is sponsoring a major new initiative with citizen groups in eastern Europe to create common law courts to prosecute the Vatican and NATO for historic and recent war crimes. A complete report will be provided on our April 9 program, including new insights on the efforts by Rome to absorb and silence rival churches in order to conceal Vatican crimes against humanity.
Many thanks as well for all of you who have ordered our new book "Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty: A Common Law Training Manual". Thanks to your efforts we have more than doubled our book sales this past month. In addition, five new local common law groups have been formed in the USA, Canada and England to enact its principles and methods.
with my thanks,
Kevin Annett
Kevin D Annett