Jennifer speaks to us about how she works with people to discover self-love. Jennifer tells us how emotional trauma can cause energetic blockages, which then can show up in our bodies as physical imbalances and disease. Jennifer relates many of our emotional and physical blockages to challenging relationships with our parents. She talks to us about blaming others for our experiences is a sign of belief systems that are imperative to look at and change in order to make our first steps to healing. Jennifer tells us how she works with people to transform from victim to victory by looking at our traumas as tools for personal growth.
Solomon talks to us about how we choose to challenge ourselves at times in ways such as misplacing items in order to become more in tune and in touch with our intuitive skills so that we listen to our inner guidance in order to find them. Solomon talks to us about asking for what we desire and gives us an idea of how to go from asking to manifesting. Solomon gives Jennifer some guidance about writing her books to bring to the public the idea of self-healing. Solomon tells us how to amplify our healing energies for practitioners of energy healing and for all humans.