Tamara Richardson has had 6 N.D.E’s and speaks to us about her experiences that have lead her to help others understand their divine guidance. Tamara talks to us about how she experiences her gifts. She tells us about an experience where she died of pneumonia and during this N.D.E she saw and heard many spirits of people who were wandering the halls of the hospital where they died. After being dead for 10 minutes her body was revived and she was put into an induced coma. During this time she spent 3 days with Jesus and tells us about what she learned from him.
Solomon tells Tamara about a past life where she lived in Jerusalem. Solomon talks to us about ascended masters and how many have chosen to re-incarnate right now. Tamara asks about the current shift we are going through as a collective group on earth and Solomon explains their perspective of this shift. They talk about how we are choosing in every moment of every day the direction we are shifting towards as individuals and as a collective. “The universe is working with you on your journey!” Join us and discover another perspective for you to ponder and understand your deeper truths.