Ascending or Descending? The Symptoms of Ascension and what you need to know!
Within this PROFOUND Retrograde plus the RISING EXPANSION of energies on the planet, many are wondering “AM I Crazy or Just Ascending?” Sri and Kira take you through the illusion and lift into you clarity! Learn how to CLAIM your knowing and fuel your Passionate Action to sustain your journey with abundant flow. Noticing shifts in your body, mind and emotions? Claim powerful reassurance and “enlightenment” as you walk through this process of rapid integration. Surrender and cultivate greater trust as you align with your Authentic Self and ride with the spaciousness of your divine flow as you TRANSFORM and lift through the AAE's (Ascension Acceleration Experiences). 2016 has all the energy to generate your most abundant life ever! Tune in and listen...this is a fascinating show!
Have a question, a comment or want to share your Ascension Acceleration Experiences? Call in early as the lines fill up fast!