BBS Columnists - The Originators of Valuable Information
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Originator and Opinionator Columns
The Earth is going through some mighty changes. She is shifting. Are you ready?
Sex begins in the mind. We often forget that our mind is our most powerful sexual organ. When the mind is turned on, so is the body. antasy uses our imagination to excite and create amazing and innovative experiences to heighten desire that initiates passion.
An introduction of who we are, welcoming the audience to the new column.
A four step process that allows you to break free from the debilitating grip of fear
It has already been decided. The insiders have Hillary's election scripted for maximum ratings. It will look like a big race between power elite potentates for the ultimate prize - President of the United States. The plan is to split the conservative vote between a Republican and a populist Independent with libertarian sentiments. Remember Ross Perot? He split the conservative vote to get Bill elected. It worked back then. And Hillary is the designated driver this time around.
When we say or hear someone say, "God Bless You," what do we think we're doing? What will happen? Who is this God? And what is blessing? I guess that getting a "Blessing" is receiving some goodies from God. This could mean that God who has been busy either not giving blessings or has not been giving blessings to me and others until it has been asked for is is now persuaded to impart blessings-- Wealth, love, opportunity, health, better conditions, relief from pain, free tickets.
"If you ain't movin,' than you ain't happenin"
This thought occurred to me many years ago. I'l admit, I'm a dancer--a trained dancer, no less (I was a trained parakeet, BTW, in an earlier life time) So I have a bias.
But as far as a I sense reality, everything's in motion...
The Withhold - It is not so much what we put out that creates so much enmity among us, but rather what we withhold that strangles the love and undermines rapport, respect, caring, trust, understanding, support, and compassion, which, in turn, greatly retards progress.
Values and Worth ©2015 Joan Newcomb
What's most important in life for you? Where do you focus 90% of your attention? What do you spend most of your money on? Do you feel satisfied with your life?