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Shadow Politics, May 19, 2013 with Senator Michael D. Brown & Kathleen GomezSenator Michael D. Brown, Shadow Senator, District of Columbia, Democrat, statehood politics, Washington DC, news and politics, voting rights, history, Kathleen Gomez
Shadow Politics, May 12, 2013 Senator Michael D. Brown & Kathleen GomezSenator Michael D. Brown, Shadow Senator, District of Columbia, Democrat, statehood politics, Washington DC, news and politics, voting rights, history, Kathleen Gomez
Activists, Environmentalists, Wilderness Experts, November 2, 2013Guests, Vincent and Claudia PintoVincent Pinto, Naturalist, Ethnobotanist, Wildlife Biologist, Claudio Pinto, Ravens Way, Wild Journeys, Wilderness Survival, Organically Composting, Harvesting Rainwater
The Debut Show of Why Life Is..., May 4, 2007with Niles MacFlouerWhy Life, Life, metaphysical, harmony, The Creator, Humanity, Universe, Souls, Spirituality, Human Potential