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Upcoming Headlined Shows

Headlined Show, Conscious Conversations April 3, 2016
Tonight on 'Conscious Conversations', Joan and Janet talk about New Beginnings. This is the time of year for starting something new,…
Headlined Show, Shadow Politics April 3, 2016
Is male or female circumcision an outdated religious/cultural practice? Mr. Steven Svoboda, Founder and Executive Director of ARC (…
Headlined Show, Social Work Today April 3, 2016
We are moving through a time of tremendous change! One of the aspects of this transformational time is that we are creating new and fresh…
Headlined Show, Sri and Kira Live April 3, 2016
Ascend! Passion in Action! As the "BEING" of March rapidly culminates and the intensity of the rising April ACTION starts calling...exactly…
Headlined Show, Quyns Empowerment Hour April 2, 2016
Empathy and Compassion in the Midst of Human Tragedies: A Conversation with a Photojournalist, Wendell Phillips
Why Life Is... with Niles MacFlouer
Headlined Show, Why Life Is... April 1, 2016
Advanced Consciousness Series: The Unique Method of Creating the Human Race on Earth
Headlined Show, The War Report on Public Education April 3, 2016
War Report on the Road - Part 2 The Machiavellian Agenda to Destroy Public Schools, Teachers and Unions - Chicago Strikes Back! Please…
Headlined Show, Paradigm Shifters March 29, 2016
Nadia McCaffrey, GSM, is exceptionally creative, intuitive, always supportive. She lost her only son in Iraq. Her style of grieving will…
Headlined Show, John Barbours World April 4, 2016
LARRY NICHOLS - Confessed Former Hitman for the Clintons talks to John Barbour.  JP SOTTILE - Emmy Award winning news analyst joins…
Headlined Show, Hungry for the Truth March 29, 2016
Det David and Dr Lana Love speak with author Gerald Clark and alchemist Christa Clark about Planet X, the history of Annunaki, the origins…