Upcoming Headlined Shows
Headlined Show, 20/20 Eye Talk December 14, 2015
This week on '20/20 Eye Talk' with Dr. Sam Berne - Healing the Eyes Through Good Nutrition! Learn how different foods, antioxidants and…
This week on '20/20 Eye Talk' with Dr. Sam Berne - Healing the Eyes Through Good Nutrition! Learn how different foods, antioxidants and…
Headlined Show, Shadow Politics December 13, 2015
Want to know what two college students think of our world today? We do! We have Tricia, a liberal Democrat who just graduated with honors…
Want to know what two college students think of our world today? We do! We have Tricia, a liberal Democrat who just graduated with honors…
Headlined Show, The War Report on Public Education December 13, 2015
War Report No Longer On The Road - Teachers and the Resistance - Where Art Thou? Please join Internet radio host Dr. James Avington Miller…
War Report No Longer On The Road - Teachers and the Resistance - Where Art Thou? Please join Internet radio host Dr. James Avington Miller…
Headlined Show, Sri and Kira Live December 13, 2015
How come my dreams and visions won’t manifest? You are saying all the right words, being diligent with your activities and yet it seems…
How come my dreams and visions won’t manifest? You are saying all the right words, being diligent with your activities and yet it seems…
Headlined Show, American Truth Finders December 13, 2015
Headlined Show, Quyns Empowerment Hour December 12, 2015
Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls - Anita Roberts Anita Roberts, Founder of the internationally acclaimed Safeteen Program,…
Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls - Anita Roberts Anita Roberts, Founder of the internationally acclaimed Safeteen Program,…
Headlined Show, Why Life Is... December 11, 2015
Esoterically Defeating Evil
Esoterically Defeating Evil
Headlined Show, Deep Brain Radio December 11, 2015
As Friday is my first show on BBS, I want to take the opportunity to introduce myself to you and tell you about my late wife, Gail.…
As Friday is my first show on BBS, I want to take the opportunity to introduce myself to you and tell you about my late wife, Gail.…
Headlined Show, Happiness Hangout December 16, 2015
Guests and caller will be discussing how to stay conscious during the Holidays. Guests Janet Barrett and Joan Newcomb, from the show…
Guests and caller will be discussing how to stay conscious during the Holidays. Guests Janet Barrett and Joan Newcomb, from the show…
Headlined Show, Galactic Connection December 8, 2015
Learn About The Hyper Demons and Their Impact As We Shift Into Higher Frequencies! Join Alexandra Meadors, Jerry Yusko, and James Hines…
Learn About The Hyper Demons and Their Impact As We Shift Into Higher Frequencies! Join Alexandra Meadors, Jerry Yusko, and James Hines…