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Elizabeth R Urabe

Hi everyone!!

I have always viewed myself and my role in the world as that of a translator; not between different languages, but of energy. The art that I have birthed in the last 21 years mediates between the formless Absolute and the infinite ways in which that formlessness appears as specific waves of consciousness. To be receptive to the living designs and explosive colors is to open to the most profound recesses of who we are. It is to be so empowered from deep, deep within, that we cease to look to others or to the world for approval, or for permission to be ourselves. It is to discover and return to a state of Oneness with our own inner Truth and the source of all life. It is to discover the keys to a freedom that is always present and can never be lost or taken away. It is to inquire so profoundly into the nature of Love that words dissolve in the experience of it. Ultimately, it is to be so humbled by the innate perfection of being that our hearts return to a state of purity and of peace.
Love and hugs,
Beth Urabe
Ash Fork, Arizona

(Credit to Fine Art America for the text bio below)

Elizabeth R. Urabe was born in Boston, MA, in 1961. She has traveled extensively throughout Europe, and after graduating from Carleton College in Northfield, MN, in 1983, she moved to Tokyo, Japan. In 1985, she met a living meditation Master and began a conscious spiritual journey that has completely transformed her life, inside and out. In 1995, quite spontaneously, she began to draw abstract pictures of extraordinary color and detail, which she believes to be the channeled reflection of inner energies that are not normally visible with the physical eyes. While pieces of her work have been sold in Japan, France, and in the United States, this is the first time that she has felt the timing to be right for making these pictures accessible to the entire world. Please visit or her new web site to view more of Elizabeth's life-transforming work. 'Life is a journey of the evolution of the spirit. At some point in the course of each person's life, something will happen that will bring about a 180 degree shift in the way he or she perceives reality. When this shift takes place, we begin to remember that the answers lie within us. We begin to take back our true power. We begin to remember that our purpose is to love. We begin to remember who we really are.' 'Many years ago, in a museum in Boston, I ran into a bronze statue of a Goddess. Her name was Kwan Yin, and the plaque at her feet told me that she was the Goddess of Compassion. I read the rest of what was written on the plaque, and it said: 'She sacrifices her own Enlightenment in order to lead others to It.' Quietly, I dissolved into tears. For the first time in my life, I felt as though I had found the words with which to accurately describe the essence of what I had felt, and suffered deeply from, seemingly forever... or at least since I had come into the physical, material world! In the decades to follow, as my spiritual hunger deepened and my path unfolded, these words were to haunt me; at times, bringing me comfort, because they indicated that - somewhere deep within me WAS in fact the all-encompassing, absolute experience of Enlightenment, for which my heart longed; at other times, causing me great distress and even anger, when I would question whether my being here was really making any positive difference at all on the world and on its inhabitants. In December of 1985, my destiny led me to the feet of a Siddha Guru, a perfectly realized Master who possesses the rare ability to awaken the Kundalini Shakti in a seeker and set him or her on the path to that same state of inner perfection. As I began to find the answers, not in books or in the preaching of those around me, but from within the depths of my own being, I - and my life - began to undergo a transformation. It was as if, one by one, the veils of illusion were being lifted from my eyes, and gradually, I was becoming able to see the Truth; not only about Who and What I was, but about what I was here to do. I did not, however, become instantly free of the sense of anger at having been dropped off on a planet where it felt to me as if no one had the slightest bit of interest in what I knew I had come to give. One morning, on my daily eight-mile walk, I engaged in a conversation with God and, all of a sudden, burst out in frustration: 'What am I DOING here, with this bunch of sleepwalking zombies?!' Immediately, a voice boomed out inside me: 'Wake them up! What on earth (literally :-)) do you think you are here for in the first place?' I never again questioned that this was in fact what I was here to do (waking people up spiritually), but rather, set my focus on seeking to better understand just what this meant in terms of the way I lived my life and interacted with people. Fifteen years, and an infinity of life-changing spiritually based experiences later, I finally evolved to the point of a very profound understanding of my personal life's work; and the essay to follow - which can help YOU to transform your own life, if you will allow it to - is to date the best reflection, with what limited language can do, of what I have been able to remember and to realize about the divine purpose of my life. One more thing, before I close this intro: if you are reading this now, I believe that we made, you and I, a sacred pact - before we came into this particular incarnation - that, when you were ready, I would come to you and give you that proverbial 'kick in the butt' that you knew you would need at this point in your own journey, to make sure that you remained true to your deepest inner commitment to go 'all the way'. I have a tendency to come along in people's lives when they have reached a plateau of sorts, and are resting relatively comfortably where they are, telling themselves that it has been difficult enough to get to THIS point...and are not so sure that getting up and continuing the climb, is worth the effort (sound vaguely familiar? O:-)). Easy as it can be for our egos to convince us that we ARE walking a truly spiritual path, all too often, all we have done is to shape shift and twist the facts of our lives, into a picture that we feel we can accept and live with....but which is not necessarily a life devoted to the Highest spiritual growth of which we are capable. you read these words, and those in the essay to follow; and hopefully make/take the time to visit the spirit art on my web sites, if you experience discomfort, or even downright rage...KNOW that this is a good thing, not a bad one. It means that, inside yourself, space is being made for the awareness of a new level of reality to dawn upon your Consciousness. And now - to the heart of the matter! I believe life to be a journey of the evolution of the spirit. At some point in the evolution of each person's life, something will happen that will bring about a 180 degree shift in the way he or she perceives reality. When this shift takes place, we begin to remember that the answers lie within us. We begin to take back our true power. We begin to remember that our purpose is to love. We begin to remember Who we really are. The journey of the evolution of my spirit has been one of great diversity, in which I have taken many a 'road less traveled.' In retrospect, however, there was undeniably a unifying spiritual thread tying all of my experiences together: the theme of surrender. Despite being fiercely independent by nature, I have always recognized that the mystery of who I was, was not one that I would ever succeed in unraveling without divine intervention. Consequently, seeing the invisible, hearing the inaudible, feeling the intangible, and having unconditional faith in the inconceivable, were abilities that came naturally to me, rather than being strengths that I had to work to develop. But it wasn't until the ability to surrender became a conscious choice on my part, instead of something that I just seemed to fall into, that I was able to identify this 'underlying spiritual thread' that gave integrity to my life, as being the power of grace. The power of grace, which is the divine energy of healing and transformation, comes through each of us in different ways, to differing degrees, and takes on different forms. I believe this to be neither accident nor coincidence, and that whoever is 'directing' it knows our strengths and our weaknesses, and uses each of us in the most wide-reaching ways possible. Grace, as it comes through me as an individual, takes on the power of awakening. On the esoteric levels, grace sometimes touches those in my life with a gentle caress or a lullaby; sometimes shrills like an alarm clock; sometimes awakens with a swift kick in the butt; and, as a last resort, sometimes works through me to dump others (and me right along with them) into a bucket of ice-cold water, head first. The most dramatic physical level manifestation of the power of grace in my life thus far, has been the drawing of a large collection of pictures that I am absolutely convinced are the embodiment of the most powerful, yet subtle, spiritual energies available to mankind at this point in the evolution of our consciousness as a species. I did not just start drawing these pictures, even though at the time, it seemed as though that was what had occurred. One week before the process of drawing actually began, I had begun working with Julia Cameron's book, 'The Artist's Way', and I believe that it was my commitment to doing the exercises outlined in this powerful course, fueled by the accumulated strength of ten years of spiritual discipline on a meditation path called Siddha Yoga, that combined to make me strong enough to surrender to the reality of being a channel through which new energies of transformation and integration could make their way into our world. For four years straight, the pictures were the center of my life. They evolved on a daily basis, and the deeper I got into the process, the more apparent it became that it was not 'me' who was drawing them. No matter how tired I might be, any time I would lie down and try to rest, I would 'feel' the picture within me, taking shape and demanding to be put down on paper. Just as any woman who has had a baby knows that it is impossible to say 'no' to the miracle of childbirth, once it has begun, so, too, was it with these pictures. They were being born through me, coming into this world from some other realm, a realm of spirit; and once the process had begun, I had no choice but to do my part in completing it. What was even more amazing was that, after a picture was finished, I would stand and look down at it, marveling at its perfection and its beauty, and then I would literally 'hear' voices of all the other pictures, arguing amongst themselves as to which one would be the next one to come through me. Needless to say, this was all exciting, humbling, and finally, energizing, as picture by picture, my understanding of what these beings were, and why they had come, began to piece together. These pictures are a powerful catalyst for the kind of very real spiritual awakening that can help us to transform our lives. They are a mirror, in which we can see the reflection of our own soul. The energy they embody is alive, conscious, vibrating. You can actually form a relationship with any one of these pictures, and use it as a tool to assist you in your own processes of healing and growth. I invite you to do so; in fact, I beg you to do so. Our world is in desperate need of individuals courageous enough to take on the challenge of awakening completely. Over a period of four years, nearly 350 pictures came through me. I never once made an outline, and never drew a single picture that was not perfect for and as what it was. I consider them my 'spirit children' and I love them with a passion. It is my fervent desire that they might touch your life as they have touched mine. They, like each of us, have a destiny all their own: they are here to guide us Home. Broadly speaking, my work can be divided into three distinct groups, each with its own unique energies and purpose. The first group of pictures are images of Awakening. When something in you, on whatever level, be it physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual, responds to a picture from Group I, know that memories are being stirred within you of the way life was before fear entered our consciousness, when perfect Love was all we knew. The energies in these pictures will encourage introspection, triggering such questions as: 'Who am I? Why am I here? What is the true purpose of my life?' It is important to ask ourselves these questions, and to allow the answers to arise within us, even if the answers are initially a bit foreign or frightening. The second group of pictures are images of Healing. To heal means 'to make whole'. You will find, for the most part, that you experience either a strong attraction, or an equally strong aversion to the pictures in this group. This is because both those parts of ourselves that we like AND those parts of ourselves that we don't like, are important keys in helping to answer the kind of questions asked above. Our being is like a jigsaw puzzle, and all of the pieces are necessary in order for the mystery of who we are and why we are here, to be unraveled. The third group of pictures are images of Transformation and Reintegration. All healing involves looking at pain from a new and different perspective, and allowing it to be transformed into Love. We fear that which we do not understand. When right understanding is restored, fear dissolves and Love returns to take its place. The energy in these pictures is for those rare individuals who are ready to cease looking for a reason to be less than they are, and to take complete responsibility for themselves and for their lives. Here is where we stand up and claim our true Life's Work. This is where the pieces of the puzzle of our existence start to come together into a unified picture that makes sense. This is where we stop looking for someone else to give us permission to be who we are and do what we know in our hearts we came to do. In the sacred space of his or her own heart, each of us knows who we are and what we came to do. The fact of the matter is, it takes a lot more energy trying to be something we aren't, than it does to surrender to the truth of who we are. Meet your life head on, from the perspective of being willing to remember Who you are. See your Self in others. See your Self in nature. See your Self reflected in the dancing colors of these pictures I have channeled. See yourSelf, honor yourSelf, respect yourSelf, bow down to yourSelf. Above all, be true to yourSelf. The journey of the evolution of spirit is not linear. It is entirely possible to be drawn to a picture from Group III today, and one from Group I tomorrow. Ultimately, what matters most is to trust in the process of our own unfolding, and to honor ourselves and our path each step of the way. If one of these pictures is meant to be a companion to you as you progress on your path, you will know it. However, as their channel, I am very intimate with the subtle differences between the pictures, and what these differences mean in terms of the spiritual journey. Please feel free to contact me with any comments or questions you may have about the unique function of the energies in each picture. It will be my joy and my honor to hear of your impressions, and to share with you what I have come to understand about them and about their divine purpose. In closing, I would like to share with you my all time favorite quote; it was written by Marianne Williamson for Nelson Mandela, and no matter how many times we may have read the words before, I do not think that we can ever contemplate them too often. The quote reads as follows: 'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be. You are a Child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. Elizabeth Urabe February 2009

Urabe Spirit Art
Amy S Peele

I represent Amy S. Peele whose debut novel, CUT: A MEDICAL MURDER MYSTERY, was released by She Writes Press on April 11, 2017.

Amy S. Peele is a nurse who became a leader in the transplant and organ donation field and wants to bring awareness to the cause through her writing. CUT: A MEDICAL MURDER MYSTERY is the first in her trilogy of "Medical Murder Mysteries with a Mission." She hopes her books will provide insight into transplantation and organ donation by combining the seriousness of the topic with a sprinkle of humor.

Did you know April is National Donate Life month? And that there are over 118,000 people currently waiting for an organ donation. In the California alone, there are over 23,000 on the waiting list.

Additional statistics provided by UNOS (United Network for Organ Sharing):

•             Every ten minutes, someone is added to the national transplant waiting list.

•             On average, 22 people die each day while waiting for a transplant.

•             One organ donor can save eight lives.

Below is a summary of the book:

While the federal government is launching a national investigation on the "equity" of organ distribution, a female tech CEO flies across the country to get a liver transplant. Soon, well-respected transplant nurse Sarah Golden and her best friend, Jackie, find themselves tangled up in an intense plot to uncover the answer to the question on everyone's mind: Can you buy your way up to the top of the waiting list? Their pursuit of justice brings them to Miami, San Francisco and Chicago—a sometimes fun, sometimes dangerous roller coaster ride from which they barely escape with their lives.


Amy Peele was born and raised in the Chicago area, where she graduated from South Chicago School of Nursing. She discovered her passion for organ donation and transplantation when she started as a transplant coordinator at University of Chicago, and has since enjoyed a thirty-five year career in transplantation in both Illinois and California. Peele has lived and worked in the San Francisco area since 1985 and has been writing creatively for over fifteen years. In addition to killing people in her murder mysteries, she enjoys meditating, yoga, swimming, and pursuing her spirituality by studying the teachings of Deepak Chopra.

Noel Plaugher

I think that I would be a great guest for you based on my background.

I was a victim of violent crime, and then began studying martial arts.

Now I write,and teach martial arts and Qigong. It has been quite a journey as I originally was going to be a musician.

The incident that shaped my life happened in an instant and it was a bloody and violent encounter. It shattered my world and made me create a new one.

I think that my story will be interesting and informative. It definitely won't be dull.

I have one book published and two on the way.

You can read more about me and by me here:

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you,


Noel started studying martial arts after being a victim of violent crime in 1990. Noel is a third degree black belt in Kung Fu Shou Shu, and a certified teacher of the internal art Xing Yi Chuan. Noel has studied other arts including Aikido, Judo, and a variety of forms of Qigong.  He is author of the book "Standing Qigong for Health and Martial Arts - Zhan Zhuang" published by Singing Dragon. Noel lives in Atlanta, Georgia where he teaches and writes.

Cassandra Hill

Healthy aging is possible. Normal aging isn't a disease process. There are holistic modalities that can prevent common ailments associated with aging.

United States

Many medications come with numerous side effects. At one time in our society people relied more on holistic modalities to manage their health. Essential oils one of those tools can promote overall good health. As a gerontologist, health & wellness consultant I would like the opportunity to discuss common essential oils and their use into everyday living.

Sherrie James

You should NO! is an awareness effort by Sherrie James to inform women across the globe about the harmful effects that today's feminine care products have on us women. The issue of safe feminine hygiene product options is rarely discussed, but it’s a vitally important topic for roughly a third of the population. Have you noticed how little we’re told about the materials in feminine products. In fact, tampon and sanitary pad manufacturers aren’t required to disclose ingredients because feminine hygiene products are considered “medical devices.”

Our mission is to bring awareness and educate you about this silent health threat. We promote safe organic alternatives for women to use.  You should NO!


Sherrie a fierce proponent of women's health and has dedicated herself to educating women about the issues affecting their quality of life. A training consultant in the pharmaceutical industry for over 20 years, Sherrie has learned the ins and outs of the pharma manufacturing process. A mother of 3 daughters who experienced complications with sanitary products prodded her into dedicating herself to bringing awareness to this important cause.

Derek ONeill

I would love to nominate Derek O’Neill as a speaker on Coast to Coast. Derek is an engaging, charming and joyful author, motivational speaker and spiritual leader.

Topic Options:

·         Awakening Consciousness Within

·         Increasing Your Spiritual Quotient (SQ)

·         Spiritual Perspectives on Everyday Issues
          (Addiction, Depression, Abuse, Weight, Illness, Anxiety, etc.)


Awaken Your Spiritual Quotient: Activate Your Highest Potential

Spiritual Quotient represents pure energy of the highest vibration and frequency, the guiding tools for all that is created. Science has shown energy to be the only thing in existence that cannot be destroyed or even measured. This intelligence is ever present, permanent in all things and everywhere.

Spiritual intelligence is latent within every being, and is an important part of the overall manifestation plan as laid down by the source, the blueprint architect of life. To reconnect with this higher intelligence, we do not get rid of the ego or hide from the experiences of our lives. Instead, we coherently tie them all together to observe the patterns and the messages they represent.

If we listen to our higher-self (gut feeling), we will see that spiritual intelligence is uniting all our experiences into the highest wisdom, for the most productive and positive outcome. When we finally see all our experiences as messages that have come to benefit us, we are free to rise to unimaginable heights.

The Get A Grip Book series offers over 15 pocket-size personal development books, with insightful perspectives on the root-cause behind the challenges we face everyday including, depression, additction, anxiety, illness, weight, grief, unhealthy relationships, poverty, bullying and suicide. 


Fondly referred to as the Celtic Sage, Irish-born spiritual teacher Derek O’Neill inspires and uplifts people from all walks of life, offering guidance to influential world leaders, businesses, celebrities, athletes and everyday people alike. Distilled from his life work in psychotherapy, a martial arts career and study with wise yogis and Indian and Tibetan masters, Derek translates ancient wisdom into modern day teachings to address the biggest challenges facing humanity today.

Derek draws on his extraordinary personal journey through physical and emotional abuse, family alcoholism and drug abuse, business successes and failures, an Olympic dream shattered by injury, a spiritual awakening, the death of his wife, and the trials and tribulations and joys of parenthood, so that others can experience hope and see a path forward.

Through his books, workshops, speaking engagements and humanitarian work, Derek empowers others to increase their Spiritual Quotient and activate their highest potential, so they can bring harmony, happiness, and success back into their personal and professional lives.

More at

Raphael and Jelelle Awen

Raphael and Jelelle Awen have been on the spiritual consciousness and emotional healing path for over 15 years. They have been in sacred union relationship with each since 2008 with their bond opening out in ever surprisingly nourishing ways over the years as they do their inner work of healing. They love to talk about and teach about how to deepen the relationship bond that you are in or how to draw your soulmate to you through inner healing. 

Along with their passion for meaningful and healthy romantic relationships, they advocate for an awakened, conscious, authentic, and heart open relationship in ALL areas of life, especially emotional, spiritual, mental, social, financial, and physical. The main way and process that they offer through SoulFullHeart (which they have been co-creating and teaching since 2012) is the parts work path. Parts work in SoulFullHeart through space holding sessions, group calls, and retreats is a combination of an emotional and spiritual process that leads to self love, self worth, and connection with Divine Source. ALL is embraced from within, including the shadow, in both the heart and soul domains. 

They are also passionate about the ascesion process into fifth dimensional consciousness and have written many articles about this featured on both and Love Has Won websites, in addition to an upcoming book to be released called The NEW 5D Sacred Human by Jelelle Awen. They feel that the ascension process is a higher vibrational timeline experience that we can choose NOW and live in any moment as we heal our hearts and souls allowing for more love energies to flow through our BEings. 

Raphael and Jelelle Awen have been in sacred union commitment since July, 2008, experiencing the challenges and growth that come from such a crucible. They have been teaching and facilitating individuals, couples, and groups (both alone and together) since 2010, although both have been on awakening and healing journeys for 15+ years. They co-created the SoulFullHeart way of life emotional and spiritual awakening and healing process and community in 2012. SoulFullHeart offers a parts or subpersonalities differentiation process for healing the 3D emotional pain body and integration of soul aspects existing in many 'eras' and dimensions. The ultimate goal of the SoulFullHeart process is the embodiment of the higher self in ALL areas of life leading to health, joy, nourishing intimacies, soul gift expression and soul purpose alignment, authenticity and more. This is offered primarily through space holding sessions for individuals and couples, group sessions, and immersion experiences and SoulFullHeart retreats.
Raphael and Jelelle have been through many death and rebirth phases together, including major changes in geographies, livelihoods, and relationships with others. They have let go in order to let in more of their authentic selves many times. In 2014, they left Vancouver, Canada and a very good income to live on a remote, off-grid ranch in remote Mexico. SoulFullHeart facilitators Gabriel Heartman and Kaleenay Colibri joined them for the journey and the four lived in community near each other sharing resources (and still do). After 18 months living very simply, on very little money, growing quite a bit of their own organic food with no internet access, they were guided to move into the city of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Since moving into the city in August, 2016, many openings have occurred for them personally in their awakening journeys, as a couple, and in service of love to others in the form of SoulFullHeart, mainly through synchronicities and connections opening out online. 
Raphael and Jelelle are soul scribes and share their writings regularly on facebook, their blog at and through books that are available as free downloads on their website. Jelelle is author of the book Keep Waking Up! Awakening Journeys To Avalon And Beyond. Raphael is author of the book 90 Days With Yeshua. Together, they have facilitated many group circles and are currently hosting a virtual group circle three times a month. They hosted a weekly blog talk show and have many videos offering their teachings on their you tube channel. 
Lane W

Welcome to Peoples Anonymous. Herein lies one of the most profound spiritual healing recipes ever entrusted to the human race. This Twelve-Step technology has the capacity to heal your life beyond anything you may have previously imagined. 

By applying the Twelve Steps to your life, you will:

• Rediscover your authentic self;

• Clear away the wreckage of your past;

• Enjoy a new sense of freedom and purpose;

• Begin to live more fully in the present;

• Awaken to a life of joy, service and moments of bliss.

Millions are currently living happy, joyous, and free by simply applying this program to their daily lives. We consider the twelve-step recipe outlined in this book to be the spiritual alchemy of the 21st Century. It transforms the lives of those, who are willing to follow the directions precisely, into gold.

Lane W. has been involved with all aspects of the twelve-step recovery movement for over thirty years. He is currently involved with Austin Recovery Center and Infinite Recovery Center in Austin, Texas. In addition, Lane formerly worked as an alcohol and drug abuse counselor for various treatment centers, and worked in the Dallas and Fort Worth Independent school districts as an alcohol and drug preventionist, presenting these concepts to over 25,000 children.
As a volunteer,  Lane dedicates time for working with inmates at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, guiding them through the 12 step recovery. 
Lane has successfully taken thousands of people through the 12 steps affording him a front row seat to the compelling results only this program can yield. He speaks nationally to large groups about the transformative power of the twelve steps, and is a satisfied customer of the program himself. 
12 Steps To Heal Your Life
Ryan Adragna

I'm a channel for the divine spirits energies (the higher 7th thru 12th dimensions), in distance, in person, or in a doesn't matter. As a healer, through my spirit team (as I call them), we work on healing a broad spectrum of complications such as diseases, physical ailments, and emotional issues.

United States

My road to this discovery of me being a healer started in the fall of 2008 when I crashed my motorcycle riding home from work, died (crossed-over) and came back.  The police told me (after I recovered) that they saw my type of crash scene all the time and said that there was no good reason why I survived.  I knew I wasn't done with my life's purpose so I started searching for answers.  After a few years of reflection and head-scratching, my spiritual journey started unfolding in 2011 when I stumbled on channeling erik (CE) on youtube -- and I got really hungry for answers.  In the spring of 2015, I decided to have an email reading with a CE medium in which it was revealed that I had natural mediumship abilities?  But that was all the info I was given, which left me confused because it was such a broad statement and it made me think harder.  Then, in the summer of 2015, things began to unfold rapidly as physical sensations (ice coldness, dampness, 'air' flow, warmth, soft current, etc) would INSTANTLY manifest themselves in/around my hands when I would focus my thoughts/energy on someone that I knew who was in any kind of physical pain or needed help in some way emotionally.