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Yogi R Pandey

Celebrity Guru Yogi Ramesh, The World Famous Laughing Yogi


........take your audience on an enjoyable ride!

Celebrity Guru Yogi Ramesh, The World Famous Laughing Yogi

Universal Yoga with the World Famous Laughing Yogi
Barbara Grapstein

The Healing Headbands Project seeks to promote a new age holistic form of healing using laughter and the arts.  The organization is seeking a greater audience and funding from varied sources there is a growing request to integrate the project into schools, hospitals and organizations.  Healing Headbands is ready to make this happen and will train young leaders around the world that embody the ethos of our mission to share our world healing project 

United States

Barbara Grapstein is the founder and CEO of Healing Headbands Project Inc. As a Global Laughter Ambassador, Certified Laughter Leader and Laughter Yoga Instructor, Barbara's passion is her never ending devotion to helping others through philanthropy complemented by her entrepreneurial spirit. Barbara is actively involved with several organizations including the Association of Applied Therapeutic Humor(AATH), Steve Wilson's World Laughter Tour and Comedy Cures. Barbara is a featured guest on WCWP 88.1 N-Joy show and is well traveled.

Barbara has had the privilege of engaging with many influencers and leaders in the field including the "Guru of India", Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of Laughter Yoga. Barbara is a corporate consultant for holistic health, stress management and serves to help children and families living with cancer. The program currently runs in child life centers, universities and hospitals in the North East.

Kosta Gus Makreas

Kosta Makreas founded and facilitates the online ETLetsTalk Community (ETLetsTalk) with 11,000 members in 100+ countries.  ETLetsTalk teaches everyday people to make their personal contact with benevolent Star People, many of whom are visiting our planet at this time.  Our intention is to co-create Earth's Golden Age with our Star Friends.  Since 2010 we have held monthly global virtual ET Contact events with our farflung teams.  We have recorded thousands of successful ET Contact experiences.  In the very beginning of our work our ET Friends asked that we create as many ET Contact teams as possible, as soon as possible, in as many places as possible.  This would give ET permission to show up in many places on Earth.  As more people saw them then more would ask for additional contact, permitting our Star Friends to show up in even more places where even more people would see and interact with them.  This process was called a "virtuous circle".  Following the process, in time, a tipping point will be reached where so many people in so many places have experienced the reality of ET on Earth that it would then become impossible for any Earth government or institution to suppress knowledge of the ET presence on Earth.  Kosta calls this "The People's Disclosure Movement".  Kosta and his wife Hollis Polk ( are a dynamic couple who have been interviewed by Jimmy Church and many others.  They both bring a broad spiritual background to their work of ET Contact and are dedicated to empowering people to use their innate spiritual talents to make ET Contact.


Kosta Makreas Biography

Kosta Makreas is the founder of, the "Global CE-5 Initiative", and "The People's Disclosure Movement".

Kosta is an international networker and creative artist working on behalf of right relations between all lifeforms.  He was born in Ft. Wayne, IN in 1953.  In 1977 he earned a B.A. in Computer Science from Indiana University.  He has been a successful software consultant in the Silicon Valley for almost 4 decades.

But most importantly he has been a dedicated spiritual activist since his teenage years.

As a young man Kosta became fascinated with the mysteries of the Universe - teaching himself astrology, meditation, astronomy and reading widely on extraterrestrial UFOs, comparative religion, science fiction, spirituality, Atlantis, and many other metaphysical topics.

His current passion and mission is the web site ETLetsTalk and the ETLetsTalk community which has 11000 members in 100+ countries.  AT ETLetsTalk members learn how to successfully communicate with loving ET spiritual intelligence.  Members can also discover other members on the global community map who can join them.

Kosta is creating and nurturing a global citizens movement which contacts many benevolent Star civilizations currently visiting the Earth.  This movement seeks to empower individuals and groups to interact with these ET Beings and to co-create with them a positive planetary transformation - a New Earth of peace, free energy, abundance, and justice.

Kosta believes that we are living in a unique, challenging, and wonderful point in history as we transition to a new mode of enlightened and spiritual living where planetary peace reigns between Humanity and all life forms on and off Earth.

Jenise Justice Brown

Don reached out to me on LinkedIn and suggested I submit myself to you as a potential guest on your show. I am not sure what it is he saw that day however, I believe I speak from the voice of a woman that is not often heard and most often dismissed. As an African American woman ( with lots of Irish mixed in ) and identifying as bisexual, I offer a lot to dinner party conversations and panel discussions.  Additionally, I can bench press 100 lbs on my off days.


Jenise’s passion for uplifting others has been an amazing reawakening journey. As she says, “We are here to add value to each others lives, our experiences are not for us.” While pursuing her dreams after leaving corporate America Jenise had her own personal missteps amidst numerous victories. She vowed that when people came to her for advice, she would provide them with the tools, strategies, and insights honed by her experience.

“Leading Edge Love” has become the centerpiece for her many speeches, interviews and activism. In DownLow Sister OnTop, the first book of the Down Low series, Jenise shares valuable lessons, including:

How to Love: It’s a Choice not a Position Authenticity: Conformist No More Lying: How to Exist Undisturbed Social Networking: Blending for Change Power of Influence: Inspired Action not Motivation Selfishness: A Cultivation of Self Reclaiming Your Voice

Jenise’s ebook, “Ask the Bisexual: An Incomplete Guide to Identifying the African American Bisexual Woman” (also available in video format), debunks the stigma of bisexuality with intelligent commentary, sarcasm and wit. In it you discover:

Top 10 False Premises What it Means to be Bisexual Identifiable Traits: We Are More Alike Than Different Implicit Bias: Subtle Contempt of the Unknown

Jenise is currently completing the lastest in the DownLow Series, starring in a new film and traveling the world inspring action and self preservation.

Dick Larson

I would like to interest one of your hosts in interviewing Dick Larson. Mr. Larson has been a featured guest on many radio programs talking about the Emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher. He is a colleague of Benjamin Creme, the principle spokesperson for Maitreya for over 40 years.

The world stands between two civilizations. One civilization is based on competition, division, separation, and greed. That civilization is not working for most people and is now coming to an end. Concurrent with that civilization's end, the birth of a new civilization, based on unity in diversity, oneness, brotherhood, sharing, justice, freedom, and love, if only embryonic, can be seen in the various people’s movements of the world and new ideas of living.

However, when the old and the new come into conflict upheavals occur. So there is tumultuous political, social and economic disruption – the death throes of the old and labor pains of the new. Even the Earth itself responds in natural disasters as the energy caused by stress, fear, and anxiety must find an outlet. Thankfully, humanity is not alone at this pivotal time.

The Spiritual Hierarchy, comprised of a Group of perfected and divine Men known as the Masters of Wisdom, has guided humanity’s evolution and inspired its greatest cultural, social, political, economic, and artistic achievements for countless thousands of years. At the pinnacle of Hierarchy stands the World Teacher, Maitreya (My-tray-uh). The world’s major religions await Him as the Christ, Buddha, the Messiah, Imam Mahdi, Krishna and the Bodhisattva. However, Maitreya is not a religious teacher, but a teacher encompassing all areas of life – a truly spiritual teacher.

In 1977 Maitreya descended from His Himalayan retreat and entered London’s Asian community. There are now 14 Masters living in the everyday world, including in New York City, Darjeeling, Geneva, and Tokyo. The most well known Master is the Master Jesus. He now lives outside of Rome.

Maitreya’s message is simple: we are all brothers, and only by equitably sharing the world’s bountiful resources among all people will we manifest justice and freedom. And justice will lead to the trust between nations needed to secure world peace. Based on sharing, brotherhood, unity, and love, our new civilization will be unlike this world has ever known.

Maitreya has been giving television interviews around the world for several years. He does not use His real name, but rather a nom de plume. He comes across simply as an ordinary person with extraordinary insight into the many man-made problems besetting humanity. As time goes on and more and more people hear Maitreya, gather around him, and begin to call for what He advocates, this will lead to an invitation to Maitreya to address the entire world: the Day of Declaration.

Everyone will see Maitreya on TV, personal computers, and mobile devices, and any way that provides access to television. However, Maitreya will not speak. Rather, He will be heard telepathically (inwardly) in one’s own language. This will be shortly after the world’s stock markets collapse, which is expected very soon. This will help to free many people from the materialism and glamour of the old civilization and reorient their priorities.

If you would like to interview Mr. Larson or would like more information about the Emergence , please let me know and I will happily arrange it.

Thank you for your time.

United States

Dick Larson has been a coworker in the Share International network for over 30 years. He speaks eloquently about the Emergence of Maitreya.

Jayne Dixon

Think big box publishers are where it's at? Some writers are making their own way and kicking some ass! Colorado-based Wooden Stake Press LLC is owned by its small group of authors who publish novels in the genres of fantasy, magic realism, romantic suspense and more. One author won the Colorado Book Award for Historical Fiction, another had his novel picked up by an independent film maker, and some are currently writing their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th novel! The authors/WSP group would love the opportunity to talk about the penning their first novel, what inspired their first published work, book marketing, and their adventures into the world of publishing.

United States

Jayne Dixon has been a lifelong storywriter, poet, and songwriter with several published short stories and poems. In addition to kickboxing, rock climbing, and a *very unexpected* interest in pole dancing, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two children in Denver, CO where everyone laughs at her jokes and, if they don’t, there’s always a mountain to disappear into. Jayne publishes fictional stories, poetry, and songs on her blog

Mark Eyre

Do you think that powerful people have no ethics while ethical people have no power?  Are you disillusioned and disenfranchised with the way things are in society nowadays?  Do you exist rather than live most of the time?  Does it seem like politics and voting are all a charade, and nothing will ever really change?

These feelings are widespread.  However, things are the way they are largely because we’ve signed up to the agenda of a fear-ridden society.   How have we allowed this to happen?  More importantly, what can we do now to change it?  Join Mark Eyre on a journey to find the key to transforming the society we live in, and change yourself in the process.

Most of us instinctively know things are wrong.  When people doing socially responsible jobs can’t make a living.  When the old are thrown out of work prematurely, and their pensions are axed.  When the young are in debt up to their eyeballs before they even see their first job.  When banks can bankrupt the country and get away with it.  We can see this is wrong, but – after all – what can we do about it?

It’s time to find out just what you can do.

It’s time to play a different game.

We have a gap that never gets talked about.  We have in one corner, politicians and business leaders who completely lack self-awareness, and in many cases any values or ethics base to their actions.  In the other corner, we have many self-help gurus who claim to passionately believe in human potential, but who stay silent on a society that is set up to stunt the very potential we are all born with.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could put the two together, and transform the world we all live in?

It has become increasingly clear that we are expected to 'play the game.'  However, if enough of us choose to play a different game instead, the game will have to change, and society - and each of us - will begin a process of transformation.

United Kingdom

I am a personal development consultant, running my own business called Brilliant Futures.  I am passionately committed to helping people to achieve their potential in work and life.  I previously worked for 25 years in a range of different organisations.  I specialise in helping people to make career changes, become more resilient, develop their own authentic leadership styles, and enhance their own influencing approaches.

Politically active during the 1980’s and 1990’s, I became disillusioned with how we are affected by the decisions of Government and big business, and withdrew from active involvement.  I am convinced that the time has come to put this right!  I was christened by others as the "Corporate Hippie."  I dress like a conventional businessman - but then I open my mouth, and everything changes!

As a coach, facilitator, trainer and presenter, I have worked with thousands of people in the last ten years.  The conversations I've had convince me of a massive hole right through the middle of society, from education and the media, through to how businesses run and how we are governed.  This hole punches right through our own sense of self-esteem and personal empowerment.  The result is an epidemic of modern dis-eases like stress, obesity, depression and abuse of self and others.  I have seen this in my work with people in career crisis, thinking about their future, and in building their own resilience.

Apart from 'Create your own revolution,' I am also finalising a second book called 'The Real Me' which focuses on building our own personal coherence and authenticity.  A third book, called 'Power Up Your Life', which looks at the nine steps to ethical self-empowerment, will be completed by the end of 2016.

Jonathan Goodman

Jonathan Goodman is the host of the weekly YouTube channel The Johno Show. The channel produces a video every Thursday focused on American political news and commentary.

United States

Jonathan Goodman is the host of the weekly YouTube channel The Johno Show. The channel produces a video every Thursday focused on American political news and commentary.

Alison Donaghey

There are a lot of problems in the world and the only thing that is going to fix them is critical thinking. We live in a world so inundated with disctractions that we have either lost the ability to think critically or just lack the time. We jump to conclusion, toss around poorly documented "facts" and if we just slowed down, thought about the ramifications of our choices and got in touch with who we were at 4 when we wanted to know things, we could create incredible positive social change.


Alison Donaghey has always been a critical thinker. She used to think that made her more of an annoyance than an asset. In the process of starting her house-painting company, Sonshine Girls Painting, she realized that critical thinking is an asset and used it more and more. That put her on a fast track to becoming one of the best-known companies in the area. In a few years, she went from a single mom on welfare to making over six figures.

Alison’s commitment to critical thinking prompted her to start another business, Domino Thinking, and write an international #1 Best selling book, Change Your Business, Change the World, which challenges people to think about what they think about. As an author, speaker, and strategist, she encourages people to question the status quo and apply their own critical thinking to improve not only their world but the world.

Alison has been fortunate enough to create a life that allows her to travel – alone or with her son – and learn from other cultures. She’s a big fan of trying everything once, be it skydiving, eating crickets, bungee jumping, white water rafting, or walking with lions. Not everything bears a second try, but it’s hard to have regrets if everything is tried at least once.

Alison currently lives on Vancouver Island, on the west coast of British Columbia, in a house she designed and living a life she is constantly redesigning. Life is good.