As a renowned innovator in the world of skin health, Dr. Ben Johnson, MD is the founder and formulator of Osmosis Pür Medical Skincare. With the medical profession being his career choice, Dr. Johnson earned his degree from the Creighton University School of Medicine. Soon after, he discovered a passion in aesthetic medicine spending a decade as the founder of a national medi-spa chain which utilized his first skincare line, Cosmedix.
Life Changes with Filippo with Filippo Voltaggio and Mark Laisure
Living Purposefully… Living a Purposeful Life With Passion: Connect to Your Inner Being with Guest, Medically Trained Medical Doctor Dr. Rod Pezeshki and Musical Guests Earth Wake.
A Fireside Chat with Zany Mystic (Lance White) with guest Michael Nisley
After a little interference on James's Skype connection (during which Doug, our amazing producer @ BBS Radio, started a prerecord of James's interview with Captain K, we were able to get a solid internet connection and James came on with an update of the energies and took callers questions live.
BETH THOMAS RN - speaks about her ordeal growing up with Attachment Disorder, how it has shaped her life and how she overcame it and now helps others.
Energy Medicine Radio with Dr Wu Dhi
Dr. Wu Dhi will be sharing his knowledge of Medical Qi gong tonight