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Healng The Heart with Dr. Eric Love on BBS Radio - Show #4

Mainstreaming Quantum Reality in 2014

by the Host of Cosmic LOVE

~ 'C. Light'

Show preview archived at: Quantum Reality

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Tonight's show began with revisitng the teaching of the Buddha: The cup is already broken, or as Shusara would say, the only thing permanent here is impermanence. Shusara answered the question of how ego is different from mind. We then looked at the need for people to begin objectively observing their own personality and stop playing the victim role. Having a sense of humor and living in kindness were both encouraged and elaborated on.

Healng The Heart with Dr. Eric Love on BBS Radio - Show #3

Layne Dalfen, Gestalt Counselor, and dream analyst is a published author, who founded The Dream Interpretation Center in Montreal in 1997. Layne's focus is introducing the general public to the value of decoding our dreams. She does this by teaching easy to grasp ideas about how to uncover the solutions to our current issues that appear in our dreams every night.

This show focused on all the aspects of FEAR. In the beginning several questions were answered regarding natural sources of monatomics and a product. An outline of the life of St. Germain was also included. 

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

The program began with a brief discussion about the subtle, and not so subtle, physical cues people receive when they have been triggered. We then talked about the value of "self-help" work in this paradigm, pointing out the paradox that exists between how it functions here,  as opposed to within non-polarity. Shusara spent some time advising everyone on how spiritual ego wants to negate certain levels of teachings and edify others. It is imperative that we view all things as equal.