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Lee Rice

Hi Guys :)
Second Autumn

We are song-writers that record our own music. We live in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia near the Shenandoah river. Our interests are to provide super quality demos of our songs, hopefully find publishers/artits that would take an interest in them. Our musical tastes are broad and we write everything from retro-60s to soft Country. Our folk music has a pop-sound quality. We seek excellence in presentation and take pride in our lyrics.
Penn Johnson


I'm a 27 year old song-weaver. I just released this healing acoustic medicinal folk song today. I think your audience and the general public are gonna dig it and I hope it resonates with you. I've been living in Florida for the winter up near St Pete. Would love to talk more about my life and travels. I'll be releasing more music shortly. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I operate my music career independently and will get back to you promptly.
in service,
Penn Johnson