As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland and Lei'ohu Ryder. They discuss the Aloha spirit, the Ascension process, and what's happening on planet Earth.
The Rain Maker Pouring Opportunities with Riscalla Stephen
As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland. Up to date info on what's happening on the multi-dimensional planes, with call-ins.
As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland - James interviews Michael Tellinger about what's happening with the UBUNTU movement. UBUNTU's ONE SMALL TOWN PLAN OF ACTION concept is beginning to spread around the globe. This concept uses the current system to create communities of abundance which then lead to understanding how contributionism will lead us into the 5th Dimensional concept of no money. Be sure to take a look at the websites for more information. Michael Tellinger will also be doing a workshop at ECETI in June 2017.