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The Prophecy Club with Apostle Stan Johnson

Jonathan Rose Interview

The King Is Coming with Jeff Kinley

The King is Coming with Jeff Kinley

Final Signs the Gathering Storm - ep1

Getting To Know Your Bible with Dr. Billy Lambert

Getting To Know Your Bible (GTKYB) with Billy Lambert

Do Not Sin Against The Child - ep1458

One Voice with Dr. Pastor Larry Montgomery

One Voice with Dr. Pastor Larry Montgomery

Isaiah 53 Series 125

Moga - Mercies of God Association with Dr. Peter Nortier

Moga - Mercies of God Association with Dr. Peter Nortier

Kisses of Lord Jesus Christ

Tony Alamo

Tony Alamo - program 573

Job was perfect in the eyes of God because he continued on and didn't give up. He didn't let Satan discourage him.

Prophecy in the Spotlight with Evangelist Dan Goodwin and Dr. Charles Hiltibidal

Prophecy In The Spotlight with Dan Goodwin

Revelation 14-15 Ep 209

Evangelist Dan Goodwin and Dr Charles Hiltibidal continue their journey through Revelation. In today’s episode they begin in chapter 14 with some interesting discussion about the resurrection and the salvation of the 144,000 Jews. Chapter 15 is an introduction to the final 7 viols of the wrath of God poured out on the earth.

Prophecy in the Spotlight with Evangelist Dan Goodwin and Dr. Charles Hiltibidal

Prophecy In The Spotlight with Dan Goodwin

The Rise of the Beast in Revelation 13 - Ep 208

Brother Goodwin and Dr Hiltibidal discuss the two Beasts that arise in Revelation 13. 1st beast is Antichrist 2nd beast is False Prophet. Satan’s false trinity exposed. To partner with us, contact or order materials, go to:

One Voice with Dr. Pastor Larry Montgomery

One Voice with Dr. Pastor Larry Montgomery

Isaiah 53 Series 124

One Voice with Dr. Pastor Larry Montgomery

One Voice with Dr. Pastor Larry Montgomery

Isaiah 53 Series 123