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Getting To Know Your Bible with Dr. Billy Lambert

Getting To Know Your Bible (GTKYB) with Billy Lambert

Making Your Home A Fortress - ep1463

LaGrave Live with Reverend Peter Jonker

LaGrave Live

LIVE Morning Worship Service 6-30-2024

Title: Bread from Heaven

We welcome Rev. David Bast. He will preach on Exodus 16:1-31 and his sermon title is “Bread from Heaven.”

LaGrave Live with Reverend Peter Jonker

LaGrave Live

LIVE Morning Worship Service 7-07-2024

Title: Following Jesus

Rev. David Bast will preach from Luke 9:57-62 with the message "Following Jesus," and we will celebrate a profession of faith.

LaGrave Live with Reverend Peter Jonker

LaGrave Live

LIVE Evening Worship Service 7-28-2024

Title: The Lamp of God

We welcome Erin Alley who will lead us in worship. She will preach on 1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19-21  and the sermon title is “The Lamp of God”.

LaGrave Live with Reverend Peter Jonker

LaGrave Live

LIVE Morning Worship Service 7-28-2024

Title: A Rhythm as Old as the World

Rev. Dr. Cornelius Plantinga Jr. is the former president of Calvin Theological Seminary, and before that served as the Dean of the Chapel at Calvin University. Neal currently works with the Calvin Institute for Christian Worship.

LaGrave Live with Reverend Peter Jonker

LaGrave Live

LIVE Evening Worship Service 7-21-2024

Title: A Potter’s World

We welcome Rev. Duane Kelderman who will lead us in worship. He will preach on Jeremiah 18:1-12 and the sermon title is “A Potter’s World”.

LaGrave Live with Reverend Peter Jonker

LaGrave Live

LIVE Morning Worship Service 7-21-2024

Title: Pruning Toward Abiding

We welcome Dr. Mary Hulst who will lead us in worship. She will preach on John 15:1-11 and the sermon title is “Pruning Toward Abiding”.

Bill Martinez Live

Bill Martinez Live with host Bill Martinez

Breaking News, 97 Days To Vote For The Government You Want, Day 298 Of The Israel Hamas War, Kamala Harris Sued For Coverup Of Biden Health Problems, Former Marine IN Need Of Our Help Thanks To Biden DOJ, And VP Harris Manages To Tick Off America’s Number One Ally In The Middle East.  What’s Next?

5 Very Independent and Compelling Hours of Experts, And Authors Pursuing The Truth No Matter Where It Leads

Phipps Faith Family Freedom with Brother Andrew Phipps

Phipps Faith Family Freedom with Brother Andrew Phipps

Robert Patenaude, culture of China

The Prophecy Club with Apostle Stan Johnson

New Info, Planned Food Shortage