New Earth Journey with Candace Craw-Goldman will be speaking with Belle Dessa from the Great Plains Earth Institute located in the heartland of our country in Wichita Kansas.
Stargate Round Table with Marietta Pickett and Tara & Rama
Part 2 of this amazing interview reviewing current events around the world and what we can look forward to with Wave X's arrival September 28th and 29th. We knew this was an important interview as the first one was "erased" by the government goons! So after five plus hours, we finally got it done. You will hear all sorts of details on how one channels, psy-ops through channeling, and how Cosmic Awareness finally shared Itself through Will as its conduit.
Wonder where Sri & Kira have been? Aware of the immense shifts on the planet? Feeling the energy and wanting to anchor it into your life easily?
Stargate Round Table with Marietta Pickett and Tara & Rama and guest Dr. Brant Cortright
Reach For It Radio Show with Christina Calisto Winslow hosts Michael Ellegion & Laura Legere! Michael has great information about the shift with updates from Ashtar explaining the current energetic environment. Laura will give us updates and important information about the Common Law Grand Jury. We also have a special treat, we will discuss scientific testing that was conducted on the human energy field after Michael's Transformational Channeled Readings!