James GIlliland interviews Alexandra Meadors, host of Galactic Connection and featured Speaker at the ECETI 2015 Science Spirit and World Technology Conference. They discuss what's up in the multi-verse, impant removal, the archon network and the new information Alexandra will be sharing during her presenation at ECETI. Also look at As You Wish episode from November 8, 2014 for Alexandra's experience with Tall White Beings in South Africa.
New Realities with Alan Steinfeld and special guest Peter Lavenda
The Galactic Roundtable with Elizabeth Trutwin
ET-First Contact Radio with Maarten Horst and special guest Judith Dagley
New Realities with Alan Steinfeld and special guest Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Sheldan Nidle and Alexandra Meadors review Journey to Joy - Our Ascent to the Fifth Dimension. Their discussion reviews a vast presentation of how life begins and how the universe was created. Sheldan discusses the core components of vortices and fractals and how they play a part in the creation of planets, solar systems and beyond. They discuss holograms, harmonics, how shapes are created, and other "meaty" topics in simplified terms that everyone can understand.
Radio Free Kanata with Kevin Annett and special guests, Ryan Gable and Lori O'Rorke
A Fireside Chat with Zany Mystic (Lance White) with guest Colin Cudmore
Conscious Thought with Leo with Magdalena Winkler and guest Robert O'Lleary.
Welcome, Robert O'Leary from RO/MAYA Sound Health and Beauty. Surround yourself with the healing Power of Human Voice. Find out how BioAcoustic Sound Healing works and how you can use in many areas of human health, create an impact on the environment such as Radiation, Ebola and how you can find support with different soft wares that support harmonization...and more. Excellent information...