DEBORAH BURGER RN - Co-Founder of National Nurses United speaks about the recent Ebola crisis at the Dallas Hospital in Texas and her organization's concern over the safety of healthcareworkers there and across the USA as this disease spreads. Deborah takes questions from around the world addressing concerns of listeners.
The War Report on Public Education with Dr. James Avington Miller, Jr. with special guests Lucianna Sanson, Jonathan Pelto, and Robert D. skeels
Adventures Into Sovereignty with Andrew Bartzis and Rebecca Cope
James interviews Jennifer Pawlowski who is currently serving as the Chief Justice for the Kingdom of Hawai’i at the behest of the Ali’ i Nui Mo’ i, Edmund K. Silva, Jr.,
DWAIN DEETS - former NASA director speaks about the science behind those questions and doubts of the official story of 9-11. Dwain covers what is scientifically possible and logical and the inconsistencies these present when compared to what the government claims happened on 9-11.
Life is full of stories, but we are not our story. Find out the difference and its significance for you.
JANE ORIENT MD - Executive Director of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons speaks about Ebol and the current handling by the CDC. Dr. Orient discusses the nature of Ebola, its transmission, use as a possible weapon, treatment and incubation period as well as taking questions from our audience.