Norm Wielsch was a police officer for 26 years, during which time he saw a lot, made some bad decisions, suffered and overcame opioid addiction and spent time in prison.
True Voice with Dr Fred
Guest, Sam Morris
Zen Warrior Training is an executive coaching program for high achieving professionals who wish to embody their next level of peace, purpose and prosperity in their personal and professional lives.
Breaking The Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams
Guest, Mila Golovine
Sound Healing with David Gibson
How to release stuck emotions with the voice
Reclaiming Authenticity with Dr James Houck
Title: Garanimals: Tag! You're It!
The Metaphysical Hour with Julia Cannon and Tracie Mahan
In this episode, we discuss Police Wellness and Resilience, and the soon to be released book "Living Blue" being written by Barbara Rubel and Jason M. Palamara.
Law enforcement occupations have higher prevalence of burnout and secondary traumatic stress than many other occupational groups. The purpose of this new book is to provide law enforcement officers, their families, and the communities they serve with practical information to aid in lessening of occupational vicarious trauma, burnout, and compassion fatigue.