The Getting Real with Hilary Show with Hilary Burns
Title: S2 EP35 | Creating 1 Million Leaders in 10 African Countries with Daniel Kamanga
Daniel is the CEO and Found of the Africa Leadership Transformation Foundation. He saw that despite the millions of dollars being donated to Africa, what was missing was leadership. He wanted to bring a longer term vision to what was needed in Africa.
Tony Alamo - program 542
The whole duty of man is to fear God and keep His commandments. We can not do anything that is Godly if we are not in Christ
One Voice with Dr. Pastor Larry Montgomery
Psalm 22 series 135
Moga - Mercies of God Association with Dr. Peter Nortier
Compassion of Christ
Breaking the Silence With Host Dr. Gregory Williams
With Guest, Rhonda Kuykendall, Serves the Survivor Advisory Board for Texass Association Against Sexual Assault
Revival Time - North Valley Baptist Church Live with Dr Jack Trieber
Live Sunday Morning Service with Dr. Jack Trieber 6-23-2024
Revival Time - North Valley Baptist Church Live with Dr Jack Trieber
Live Sunday Evening Service with Dr. Jack Trieber 6-23-2024
One Voice with Dr. Pastor Larry Montgomery
Psalm 22 series 134
Moga - Mercies of God Association with Dr. Peter Nortier
Messages of God's Wrath
Revival Time - North Valley Baptist Church Live with Dr Jack Trieber
Episode from 6-25-2024