The War Report on Public Education hosted by Dr. James Avington Miller, Jr. with special guest Dr. Deborah Duncan Owens
Radio Free Kanata with Kevin Annett and special guests, Ryan Gable and Dean Clifford
Tune in for another dynamic follow up interview with Common law crusader Dean Clifford:
REBEKAH ROTH - returns in this second of two part interview to speak about her book Methodical Illusion - a novel revealing the truth about what happened on 9-11 from the perspective of an airline employee veteran of 30 years.
Radio Free Kanata with Kevin Annett and special guests, Ryan Gable and Dean Clifford
Tune in for the dynamic follow up interview with Common law crusader Dean Clifford:
REBEKAH ROTH - 30 year+ flight attendant talks aboiut her novel Methodical Illusion which exposes the hoax perpetrated on 9-11 from and insider's perspective, experience and many thousands of hours of research, in this first of 2 part special series.
Rebekah Roth exposes israeli involvement in Sept 11 attacks
The War Report on Public Education hosted by Dr. James Avington Miller, Jr. with special guests Leonie Haimson, Ken Previti and Bob Braun