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You 'Bout Ready with Marty Ford - join the conversation that goes in every direction.

What does wellness mean in this context? We often focus on the ailment we are physically dealing with or we spend time stuck in a state of mind that feels anything, but comfortable. In the next hour, we will explore your personal power for wellness and power to be well. Expert Coach and Owner of Integral Awakening, Michael Brabant, will help us make sense of so much of the confusion of how to stay healthy, Universal energies and the power within to make choices that lead us to health; these options can be practically applied immediately. This show is for EVERYONE!

Everything Can be Healed!

Yes!  Everything.  There is the premise of many that sickness, disease and painful aging are eventual, yet are they?  Join Sri and Kira along with some amazing in-studio special guests from around the world as they discuss the myth of sickness and the powerful teaching of dis-ease and aging.  "If it is in front of you it is asking to be healed!"…Sri Ram Kaa

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown & Kathleen Gomez.


Leonie Hiamson, Class Size Matters; pushes for smaller class sizes in public schools.

From Shelter Dog to Service Dog with Janice Wolfe on BBS Radio!

You 'Bout Ready with Marty Ford - join the conversation that goes in every direction.

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

We revisit the teaching of the vow of the poverty in this session, looking closely at how the collective needs to function in alignment with it's core values. Shusara speaks to the role trust plays in the choices the personal self makes and shows us the difference in the way the heart functions. She also answers a listeners question about self love.