Prophecy In The Spotlight with Dan Goodwin
Title: Introducing Prophecy in the Spotlight
Description: Prophecy in the Spotlight is the place to be if you want good old fashioned Bible Prophecy!
One Voice with Dr. Pastor Larry Montgomery
Gift of God The Holy Spirit
Moga - Mercies of God Association with Dr. Peter Nortier
The Free Grace of God
Revival Time - North Valley Baptist Church Live with Dr Jack Trieber
Episode from 5-22-2024
Tony Alamo
The Holy Spirit is speaking in these last days expressly that there will be seducing spirits, seducing people to believing the things that the antichrist government and the antichrist church is preaching these days.
The Joyful Manifestation Show with Iyer
Guest, Brit Elders
The Metaphysical Hour with Julia Cannon and Tracie Mahan
Solar storm affects, what we know is so little in the scheme of things
One Voice with Dr. Pastor Larry Montgomery
The Holy Ghost in the Modern Church - Part 3
Call To Decision with Pastor Butch Paugh
Dr Ingrid Skop, Roe Vs Wade, Murdering Children in the womb, The Kill Pill
Dr. Ingrid Skop, Senior Fellow and Director of Medical Affairs at Charlotte Lozier Institute.
After 25 years of obstetrics and gynecology private practice, I am thrilled to join the Charlotte Lozier Institute, where I will promote the "science of life" through research, writing and testimony. Still delivering babies through part-time work as an obstetric hospitalist though-can't give up my favorite part of the job!