Treatment Advocacy Center Executive Director, Doris Fuller speaks about improved mental illness treatment laws and implementation. The Treatment Advocacy Center promotes laws, policies and practices for the delivery of psychiatric care and supports the development of innovative treatments for and research into the causes of severe and persistent psychiatric illnesses, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Being comfortable is a goal that virtually everybody works towards. And these efforts might become more pronounced as we age and feeling at ease becomes an increasingly higher priority. Our two guests today work to help aging people gain the comfort in their homes that they deserve.
WABUN WIND joins Caroline to discuss allopathic medicine, wholistic medicine, and traditional Shamanic practices.
Do we need ego if we are expanding spiritually ? where does it fit in, or does it? We can sometimes face obstacles as we traverse our spiritual path - our ego, if not balanced can really block us. Telling us everything from "you're not worthy" to "there is nothing wrong with you". But, if you are to have true mastership of God-self then yes ego must be balanced. Today my guest are a husband and wife team Rev. Dr. Linda Martin and Dr.
In today's fast paced society It's easy to let our health go. We find ourselves eating things that we know aren't good for us, made with ingredients we can't even pronounce! Is it any wonder America is in the middle of an health crisis, from type II diabetes's, to hyper-tension and obesity? Join me today with my special guest, Dr. Thomas Brewer Ph.D. he is a Chemist who specializes in nutritional blood microscopy. His greatest gift is his unique ability to present complex information in a simple manner. Dr.