Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters- Empowerment in your Work Life
Tonight's discussion will be on the election and how it relates to you, Part 2. Let's talk about politics differently. Are you voting your belief system? Are you creating with or without consciousness? We'll discuss how you can help your candidate move closer to victory.
Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters.. Come hear inspiring stories and information with Guest Sara Troy at Self Discovery Radio. Come feel your best with us at the Happiness Hangout.
Michael J Murphy returns with news about his 3rd film on geoengineering (chemtrails), called "UNconventional Grey - Geoengineering and the Climate Change Agenda", to be released this June. He is empowering us, in this last film, to take action to stop chemtrails legally, and ties geoengineering to "Agenda 21", which just passed, synchronized with other corporate partnerships to remove the last of our freedom.
Tonight's discussion will be on the election and how it relates to you. Let's talk about politics differently. Are you voting your belief system? Are you creating with or without consciousness? We'll discuss how you can help your candidate move closer to victory.
Catalytic with Sheryl Hirsch-Kramer
Interview with Susan Meehan