Ann Kreilkamp weaves a magical tale, which we can all relate to on many levels. We discuss Permaculture, EXOpermaculture, astrology and how to navigate these times and why. A master storyteller, with wit and wisdom. We'll have more chats this year, "by the fireside". Enjoy!
She also writes one of my favorite blogs, which you can freely subscribe to, here:
The Galactic Roundtable with Beth Trutwin
School of Human Potential with Allen Vaysberg
Are you ready for a disaster? Join Joe Alton, also known as “Dr. Bones the Disaster Doctor”, is a medical doctor and Amy Alton, also known as “Nurse Amy”, is an advanced registered nurse practitioner and a certified nurse midwife. They are medical preparedness experts and the authors of the #1 Amazon Bestseller in Survival Skills, Disaster Relief, and Safety/First aid, “The Survival Medicine Handbook”, a guide for when medical help is not on the way.
Insight Out...the Naked Truth
In the next hour, Linzi's guest will be Bobby Anderson. Bobby has worked for years in the corporate world and in a variety of roles. Bobby worked in the private sector of government and he has also worked as a high-level business consultant. Bobby has owned his own company supporting the rights of California workers and dedicating himself to Health, Human Services, and Community Projects. Bobby will talk about some of the most difficult challenges he has faced; these are vulnerabilities that many of you are currently facing, or have dealt with in your life.
This show not only honours the resurrection story of Jesus Christ that many are celebrating and acknowledging on Easter weekend, but also touches upon a variety of forms of resurrections as seen throughout the ages and found in our ancient civilizations, in our mythology, as well as within our individual personal transformations. What does resurrection mean within our societies, and how can we embrace it in terms of our own experience?
The Spring of Life Show with Jasmine Iwaszkiewicz and Benjamin Schmidt!