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Spiritual Practitioner Lordiel is a Multi-Dimensional Advanced Energetic Being bringing Truth, Love, Light and Healing to the mind, body and soul. She channels the information, messages and healing energies needed to guide and heal you mentally, physically and Spiritually in all aspects of your life. She will share with us of the hope, strength, courage, perseverance, and trust we must have in a Higher Power.

Awakening: Revolution Through Conscious Revelation 

This BBS Radio debut broadcast of Quantum Mindfulness Radio premieres the likes of Joel Ayala Ayapana, Registered Nurse, Veteran, public speaker, healer, writer, and the author of his new book - The Book of Positive Light: Remembrance of the Heart. This inspiring broadcast covers, in brief, though intuitively speaks with passion about his cultual background, intriguing heritage, his most recent of accomplishments in academia, and in his most recent of spirited endeavors.

ET Yoga with Charles Green This Epidode featured 'Debunking Hawking-No God Behind the Big Bang' and provides detailed suggestions relating to how taking 100% responsibility for your outer experience not only empowers you to make changes in the reflection; but also frees you from the past. 

Cosmic LOVE with  Kaypacha on the 2014 Grand Cross