World Pastor Tony Alamo - Program 760
The Bible says we become like gold tried in the fire when we go through the fire, when we resist Satan, Satan is going to fight us, and we resist him.
World Pastor Tony Alamo - Program 759
I remember the times of the depression and it's turning that way now. Its set up, this is all being controlled by the Vatican. And you wonder how, you say, come on everything couldn't be of the Vatican, even though the Lord says so; she's the cause, the mother of every abominable thing that's going on the earth. Everything is set up for them to take over the world, this dictatorship which they call democracy.
World Pastor Tony Alamo - Program 758
If you preach and teach the things that I'm (Jesus) teaching you and you do that, no one can destroy you. He said, but if you don't put that out you will be destroyed. Now, put out the Word of God because the Word of God is the most powerful weapon in the world, and it will tear down the fallacies of the US and International Government.
Call To Decision with Pastor Butch Paugh
Guest, Dane Wiggington of, exposing more government coverups
One Voice with Dr. Pastor Larry Montgomery
The End Times continued
The John Ankerberg Show with Dr. John Ankerberg
Angel Talk with Jim Young and Sandy Young
As a Little Child, God Will Lift You
World Pastor Tony Alamo - Program 757
Antipas which means against everything. People that are really of the Lord are against everything in the world. Antipas was my faithful martyr, faithful because he was against everything in the world. Why, because the world is condemned folks.
The Bonfire with Jesse Bradley
How To Live With Purpose Everyday - Presence and Purpose - S1E1
Moga - Mercies of God Association with Dr. Peter Nortier
Revelation in the New Birth