Social Engineer, Evolutionary Philosopher and strategist, Founder of Critical Path Global
ET Yoga with Charles Green
This Episode featured amazing discoveries in Quantum Physics related to our bodies phasing in and out of existence, a live activation of our blueprint for 'Perfect Health and Well Being' and strategies for 'Healing the Known and Unknown'.
Ancient Astronaut Resarch, Ancient Technology, Planet X and more
Professor of Biology, Stanford University Medical School
The Ancient Art Form of Forgiveness
ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode contained specifics on the mechanics of 'Positive Spin', a channeling from Arch Angel Micahael concerning our arrival in the 5th Dimension, Bashar information about following your excitement, lots of new Physics info and some new versions of life in the 5th Dimension.
Indigenous Wisdom Keeper, Star Being and Healer
Joe Alton, M.D., & Amy Alton, A.R.N.P