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Policy, public affairs, and communications expert

Dress for the life you want. Fashion with intention that is what we'll be discussing and a lot more.  Want to look your best?  Tune in for some fun suggestions. Fashion is what Tess Whitehurst is all about.

Intuitive Counselor, energy Worker, Feng Shui Consultant, & Author

Place 33: Secretes of Universal Truths Revealed 

Instead of another dry how-to-book, “Place 33: Secrets of Universal Truths Revealed” sends you on an amazing adventure hypnotically channeled by Spirit to author Cherlyn . As our world hurtles toward change and massive shifts faster and faster, Cherlyn decided now is the perfect time to release the wisdom given her by Spirit through hypnosis. 

Associate Professor, Stanford University

You have a wonderful, inventive and useful idea.  You want to patent it.  Great idea!  What is the process?  How long does it take?  What are the positives of getting a patent?  What are the negatives?  We'll ask those questions and more. 

If you are an entrepreneur, an inventor, you'll want to hear more from Leon Cooper.

We'll be talking about cooking for the holidays.  Leo has been featured on my show for 12 years now and always he has new recipes to share to make the season not just easier to deal with but also happier because we won't have to spend so much time in the kitchen! 

Gourmet chef, food and public relations