Title: S2 E5 The Protective Illusion of the Black Superwoman Complex Part
The strong black woman, also called the black superwoman complex, is a strong, resilient, African-American woman, who strives for excellence in all areas of her life, driven in part by an effort to be seen as equal in a society that sees little value in her and believes she's undeserving of access to meaningful resources and success. The sacrifice for her super achievements is the denial of her own pain and needs.
The Joyful Manifestation Show with Iyer
The Beyond Earth Show with host Ray Trujillo
Signs of Life Radio: Personal Experiences is tonight!
Everyone Has A Story To Share.
We Invite You To Share YOURS!
Many Of Us Have Personal Experiences That Defy Mainstream Thinking. Join Us As We Explore The Types Of Experiences That People Have, What They Mean, And How We Can Integrate Them Into Our Daily Lives.
(Although Mediums Provide A Valuable Connection To The Deceased, This Show Centers Around YOUR Direct Experiences Which Do Not Involve A Medium.)
Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free and Friends
Sundays with the Elohim
Let's Find Out with Elizabeth Joyce
New Year's Eve - 2024 Predictions
These messages are to help you slow things down and reflect on what is truly important. It's not what's outside or around you that counts - It's what you carry within you that brings love, peace, and harmony.
Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger
Guest, Sarah R. Adams, works with clients around the world in what she calls "Intuitive Healing." This includes using homeopathy herbs, supplements, diet super foods, detoxing, energy work, essential oils, visualization, mediation, subtle energy work, and cellular work. A journey that permeates throughout the layers of your existence, into your cells, into your DNA! Sarah Adams - ET Souls, Draconians, Hybrid Program, Angels and Higher Beings.
A Night At The Roundtable with Omena McGee, Caroline Oceana Ryan, Randy Miller, Rama Arjuna, Tara & Micah Green, and Penny Christoffersen