The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden
With Guests, Charles Marino Author of "Terrorists on the Border & in Our Country" and Colorado GOP Analyst, Brent Kinman
We all know how Biden’s open borders is destroying the country, but national security expert Charles Marino says it’s worse than you think in his new book Terrorists on the Border and in Our Country. Plus Colorado GOP legislative analyst Brent Kinman has the shocking numbers on how Governor Polis and the Democrat controlled legislature are destroying the Colorado economy.
Planetary Makeover Show with David Mynott II
Maitreya's Top Priorities: Restoring the Environment and Sharing Food & Other Resources
The Prophecy Club with Apostle Stan Johnson
Judgement Is Here
World Pastor Tony Alamo - Program 530
God is going to destroy every nation that comes against Israel. Jewish people shouldn't even be on this earth. Because they came out of a dead man's loins Abraham, and Sarah had a dead womb. They were well beyond the age of being able to conceive. If we don't keep the commandments of the Lord we go to the same hell as the gentiles.
The King is Coming with Jeff Kinley
Messianic Prophecies - Ep 6
The John Ankerberg Show
Alien Spacecraft from Other Galaxies, UFOs, Alien Abductions - Ep2
The Joyful Manifestation Show with Iyer
Guest, Darryl E. Berry Jr.
The King is Coming with Jeff Kinley
Messianic Prophecies - Ep 8
The Prophecy Club with Apostle Stan Johnson
When America Falls In Revelation