The War Report on Public Education with James Avington Miller, Jr., Ph.D
For Part 5, Dr. Miller discussing 'The Neo-liberal Driven War on Public Education'.
Six Years Later: The Collapse of Corporate Church and State
Paranormal Investigator Radio
John Barbour's World
1st half Interview with John Potash
2nd half interview with Joe Sottile
Part 2 of this amazing interview reviewing current events around the world and what we can look forward to with Wave X's arrival September 28th and 29th. We knew this was an important interview as the first one was "erased" by the government goons! So after five plus hours, we finally got it done. You will hear all sorts of details on how one channels, psy-ops through channeling, and how Cosmic Awareness finally shared Itself through Will as its conduit.
Radio Free Kanata episode with Andrew Patterson
Title: The Global Agenda and Pope Bergoglio
The True History of Our Galactic World and The Birth of NESARA with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna