The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden and guest Mark Pfoff
We need to stand up for our kids and stop the power hungry bureaucrats and politicians from forcing unnecessary COVID mandates and restrictions on them. Let our kids have their summer.
Plus former law enforcement officer Mark Pfoff on new information about prosecutorial corruption and misconduct.
One More Thing with Donna Linn and guest Lee Tannen
The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden
Mask madness, gas crisis but at least Liz Cheney’s gone!
Plus open lines on a Party Friday edition of the Chuck and Julie Show.
Robin Trower has been heralded as one of the most influential Guitar players to come out of the British Blues Rock scene. Though other names may come to mind, none have the "signature sound and style" of the man who was tagged by the press with the nickname of "The White Hendrix" back in the 70's. Robin was in the audience during a performance by Jimi Hendrix those many years back, and he readily admits that the Experience changed his approach to the guitar.
LetterZ From the Pen with guest Cheryl Manuel