Paranormal Investigator Radio
James Gilliland takes caller questions and questions from people at the ECETI Ranch
Another info-packed interview between Alexandra Meadors and Randy Cramer. This 2 hour exchange reviews all sorts of current events on the ground and in space.
ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode was about our Galactic History, Spiritual Heritage, and connections to the Akashic Records and archeological finds around the globe that totally shatter the concepts of history currently taught in our society.
Paranormal Investigator Radio
What an amazing interview! Alexandra Meadors and Randy Cramer have a very informative review of psionics and the purpose and power behind learning psionic training, especially in this day and age. We promise this to be a very informative and entertaining interview about a subject that is totally scientifically based!
ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode contained information about the state of food, self-empowering techniques concerning fear based beliefs, current research on Essential Oils as healing tools and how the plant and crystal kingdom can assist with our overall frequency.
Paranormal Investigator Radio
ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode of ET Yoga was primarily about the amazing 'Power of Positive Spin'.
Paranormal Investigator Radio