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Margaret Ann at 561-703-3187;
SKYPE margaret.ann.lembo
Short bio:
Margaret Ann Lembo is the owner of The Crystal Garden, a conscious living gift store and book store in Palm Beach County, FL. For close to thirty years, she has led workshops and classes around the country. Margaret Ann is highly renowned for her dedication to helping people focus on mindfulness and positive thought. Her audio CDs (guided meditations and more) are distributed nationally, and she has written several books.
Margaret Ann Lembo is here today to talk about her newest publications – The Crystal Intentions Oracle: Guidance and Affirmations – which a boxed kit with a book and deck of cards. She is the author of five books, three decks, and nine spoken audio CDs for meditation and positive thought.
She is the creator of a line of award winning Aroma-Energetic Sprays including Smudge in Spray™ and the seven Chakra Sprays. She is an author, spiritual entrepreneur and practitioner, and aromatherapist.
She is the author of:
- The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing (Llewelyn Worldwide)
- Chakra Awakening: Transform Your Reality Using Crystals, Color, Aromatherapy & The Power of Positive Thought (Llewellyn Worldwide)
- (COVR Award Winner and Foreword Reviews)
- The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones (Llewellyn Worldwide.)
- Color Your Life with Crystals: Your First Guide to Color, Crystals and Chakras (Findhorn Press)
- Angels and Gemstone Guardians Cards (Findhorn Press)
- Archangels & Gemstone Guardians Cards (Findhorn Press)
- Crystal Intentions Oracle: Guidance and Affirmations (Llewellyn Worldwide. November 2016.)
Nine spoken audio/guided meditations CDs
- Cord Cutting: Releasing the Energetic Ties of the Past (Findhorn Press)
- Chakra Balancing Crystal Alignment (Findhorn Press)
- Color Meditation: Align Your Chakras
- Meet Your Master Guide
- Open Your Heart to Love
- Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation
- Short Meditations for Busy People
- Meet Your Power Animal: A Drumming Journey
- Think Good Thoughts: Positive Affirmations for Everyday Living
Email: Margaret@margaretannlembo.com
Photos of author & book cover (jpeg format) attached
List of questions or subjects to discuss listed in categories of the publication:
Crystal Intentions Oracle: Guidance and Affirmations (November 8, 2016)
About the Crystal Intentions Oracle: Guidance and Affirmations
This deck features a crystal and affirmation on one side and a color-coded intention on the other, each card can be used to enlighten, inspire, and motivate you on a daily basis. Providing an expansive collection of crystals without needing to own each physical piece, Crystal Intentions Oracle helps improve your spiritual, emotional, and physical development. Create and maintain positive change in your life with these beautiful cards.
- What inspired you to create this deck and how is your deck different from other decks of a similar nature?
- What is an intention?
- What is the difference between a gemstone, a crystal, a mineral, a rock and a stone?
- You mentioned that your deck has Card Categories and Color Codes. Tell our listeners a little bit about these codes and categories.
- How do you use this deck?
- I have observed that most people want help with health, love, and money. How would you recommend this deck be used to manifest these three things?
- Why are crystals a good tool to raise conscious awareness?
- What is the best way to choose a crystal?
- What information do you cover in the companion book that is part of this kit?
- As the author of the best-selling books on chakras, crystals, and aromatherapy, how can this deck be used as a companion to the material in your books?
The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing (March 8, 2016)
- You own a metaphysical shop called The Crystal Garden, and many of your previous books have focused on crystals (like The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones). What inspired you to instead focus on aromatherapy in your new book, The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing?
- How does aromatherapy work?
- Can anyone use it?
- Can you take essential oils internally? Is that really OK?
- Give me a few examples of how to use essential oils for every day situations.
- The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing also includes a section on crystals. How are crystals related to vibrational healing? (this is to talk about Gemstone Essences)
- How are Gemstone Essences like Flower Essences?
- All your books have a consistent theme of the power of positive thought. How have you woven that into a book about essential oils?
- I noticed you included animals, planets, zodiac signs, chakras, numerology and divination for each of the 60 essential oils in this book. Let’s talk about this.
- Why is a puppy or a kitten the power animal for lavender?
- Archangels and Ascended Masters are listed in this book – in fact you have a whole section dedicated to them. Why did you include it and how can be integrated with essential oils.
The Archangels and Gemstone Guardians Cards (Findhorn Press. March 15, 2016)
The Angels and Gemstone Guardians Cards (Findhorn Press. September 16, 2014)
- Tell our listeners a bit about your decks of cards and how they are different from other oracle-type decks. I notice you’ve used both sides of the cards.
- Can you direct the course of your day by choosing one color or gemstone jewelry piece over another?
- Why are crystals a good tool to raise conscious awareness?
- What is the best way to choose a crystal?
- How does a person actually use crystals to change their life?
- Tell us a bit about what inspired you to create these decks – the back story.
- Let’s talk more about the power of positive thought
- How would I use this deck? Do I use them to do readings or just one card a day?
- Your first deck is a best seller - The Angels & Gemstone Guardians Cards - and now this new one with the Archangels is becoming a best seller, too. Tell us about how you incorporated the Archangels into this deck?
- Do you have a favorite archangel?
- Have you noticed that there is a favorite archangel among your clients and customers at your store, The Crystal Garden?
There are 11 archangels in this deck. They each bring a different message in a specific area of life. Here are a few examples.
Archangel Ariel brings messages of general health and vitality. Ruby
Archangel Gabriel inspires and guides you to deeper understanding of dreams and inner knowing. Ammonite
Archangel Michael offers protection, faith, clarity, and the removal of fear. Lapis Lazuli
Archangel Raphael helps to heal yourself and others. Green tourmaline, Malachite, Moldavite
Cord Cutting: Releasing the Energetic Ties of the Past CD (Findhorn Press. March 15, 2016)
- The title says a lot – but how can a person cut the ties of the past?
- What inspired you create this spoken audio CD?
- How long have you been offering this kind of work?
Note: This CD is designed to release old patterns and heal buttons that are easily pushed by friends, family members and even strangers.
Prepare to enter this experience with your intention of who or what you are going to release. Disconnect the energetic ties and watch yourself transform your life for the better.
Take the time to recognize the patterns you are repeating from your parents and other family members established by your upbringing. Once you identify the belief systems and habits that were installed at a young age, then you can release those ties to your past. Unhook the mechanisms that push your buttons.
Tell us a bit about your other books:
Chakra Awakening: Transform Your Reality Using Crystals, Color, Aromatherapy and the Power of Positive Thought
The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones (Llewellyn Worldwide)
Color Your Life with Crystals (Findhorn Press)
Note: My books, deck and all my products are really about the power of positive thought and the use of affirmations.
- How are your books different from all the books out there on gemstones?
- As a color expert, how do colors we wear in our fashion choices reveal our personality?
- Can you direct the course of your day by choosing one color or gemstone jewelry piece over another?
- Why are crystals a good tool to raise conscious awareness?
- What is the best way to choose a crystal?
- How does a person actually use crystals to change their life?
- Tell us a bit about The Angels & Gemstone Oracle Cards
- Let’s talk more about the power of positive thought
- Why does aromatherapy work? (note: Margaret Ann is an aromatherapist)
- Tell me a bit about your eBook – All About Smudging
- And you are a recording artist – you have 7 spoken audio CDs . . . and you just released a new CD Chakra Balancing Crystal Alignment (Findhorn Press) this past August.
- NEW Titles March 2016: The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing (Llewellyn); the Archangels and Gemstone Guardians Cards (Findhorn Press) and Cord Cutting CD: Releasing the Energetic Ties of your Past (Findhorn Press)
- Are you working on any new projects? Yes! another deck featuring gemstones and Crystal intentions.
Sign Up to Receive Margaret Ann Lembo's Best Selling Gemstone Oracle Cards Absolutely FREE!
Start your day right! Every other day you'll receive a free gemstone oracle card with an inspirational message. Each email will contain an actual Angel Card every other day. BE INSPIRED!
7. Summary of Books & Products
About Chakra Balancing Crystal Alignment CD
The only audio CD featuring a guided crystal alignment providing the listener or crystal healing practitioner with step-by-step instructions on where to place the stone and what to say as they place the crystal on the body.
Crystals and gemstones have been used for thousands of years. The legends of Atlantis indicate that healing was performed by lying or standing inside a chamber filled with the light and vibration of healing crystals. Now you can awaken the crystal healer within you and perform a crystal alignment for yourself and others. This CD offers you an avenue for gentle self-reflection via deeper understanding of color, chakras, thoughtforms and vibrations.
You will become aware of what may need to be cleared to allow a beautiful flow of energy to raise your consciousness. Learn about how to use crystals to restore balance and promote healing as a complimentary therapy. You will receive new ideas on how to use gems for manifesting and attracting your desired reality. Margaret Ann shares her knowledge and wisdom of the chakra system to help you rebalance, realign, regenerate and rejuvenate on all levels – spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and ultimately physically. Obtain the following stones to use with this Crystal Alignment Meditation experience: Root – 2 black tourmaline, 2 hematite, and 1 amethyst point; Navel – 2 carnelian; Citrine – 1 citrine and 4 malachite; Heart – 1 rose quartz and 4 green aventurine; Throat – angelite or aquamarine; Third Eye – lapis lazuli; Crown – clear quartz point.
About The Angels & Gemstone Guardians Cards
This deck of 44 oracle cards by Margaret Ann will familiarize you with 44 gemstones. They will bring you messages to increase your awareness. The messages on one side give you a reading. The angel associated with the gemstone on the other side of the card provides you with a positive affirmation to help you transform your reality. You’ll learn to give accurate Angel Gemstone Oracle readings for yourself and others as you use these cards regularly.
The Original Oracle cards available as an Apple and Android APP!
About the Crystal Intentions Oracle: Guidance and Affirmations
This deck features a crystal and affirmation on one side and a color-coded intention on the other, each card can be used to enlighten, inspire, and motivate you on a daily basis. Providing an expansive collection of crystals without needing to own each physical piece, Crystal Intentions Oracle helps improve your spiritual, emotional, and physical development. Create and maintain positive change in your life with these beautiful cards.
About The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones (Llewellyn Worldwide. April 8, 2013)
This ultimate go-to reference features 160 stones you can use to improve your life on all levels—mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Packed with practical information—from each stone's Mohs scale rating to its divinatory meaning—this unique guide has 190 beautiful full-color photos of specimens commonly found in metaphysical stores. Each page provides concise information: stone name, color, chakra, planet, element, zodiac sign, number, divinatory meaning, and mental, emotional, physical and spiritual uses. A series of positive affirmations is given for each stone, as well as guidance on how to use gemstones as oracles for personal development and spiritual awakening.
About Chakra Awakening (now in 5 languages!) This in-depth and practical guide demonstrates how to activate and balance the seven main chakras—energy centers that influence everything from migraines and fertility to communication and intuition. Perform simple techniques with gems, crystals, and other powerful tools to manifest any goal and create positive change in your physical, emotional, and spiritual well being. Chakra Awakening also features color photos and exercises for clearing negative energy, dispelling outdated belief systems, and identifying areas in your life that may be out of balance. Chakra Awakening Amazon # is the 13 digit ISBN 978-0738714851
About Color Your Life with Crystals (Findhorn Press. April 1, 2013)
Tapping into children’s seemingly inherent love of rocks, this accessible introduction to gemology provides youngsters with a base understanding of crystal qualities, the power of colors, and the metaphysical importance of positive thinking. Divided into seven sections, each chakra is explored and visualization exercises are included in order to experience the chakra's energy. Explaining the perils of an imbalance in these areas, practical advice is given for choosing the best stones to restore equilibrium. Each crystal has a photograph and text describing its appearance and energy qualities, as well as concrete examples of life situations where a crystal and some positive thought affirmations can be helpful. Also included are free space sections for writing down one’s experiences and reflections, as well as a Life Challenges Easy Reference Chart.
About All About Smudging: Time for a spiritual housecleaning?
"Smudging" is a ceremonial cleansing of people, places, or objects—a way to replace negative vibes with love, kindness, compassion, and true happiness.
In this easy-to-read text, Margaret Ann Lembo shows you how to clear out negative energy and invite spiritual purification into your life. Starting with how to recognize the influence of negative energy, you will discover common herbs and oils, techniques for creating smokeless smudges, and a preparation ritual for a smudging ceremony.
Also included are bonus chapters of Margaret Ann Lembo’s book Chakra Awakening: Transform Your Reality Using Crystals, Color, Aromatherapy & the Power of Positive Thought.
All books, deck & CDs are available at LOCAL book stores and online around the world!
Margaret Ann Lembo is a noted sought after author and speaker with close to 30 years of experience. She is the creator of a line of award-winning Aroma-Energetic Sprays, including Smudge in Spray and the seven Chakra Sprays. She is a spiritual entrepreneur and practitioner, aromatherapist, and the owner of The Crystal Garden – a book store, gift store, and spiritual center in southeast Florida. In 2005 The Crystal Garden expanded to include a Wholesale Division.
She is the author of:
The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing (Llewelyn Worldwide)
Chakra Awakening: Transform Your Reality Using Crystals, Color, Aromatherapy & The Power of Positive Thought (Llewellyn Worldwide) (COVR Award Winner and Foreword Reviews)
The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones (Llewellyn Worldwide.)
Color Your Life with Crystals: Your First Guide to Color, Crystals and Chakras (Findhorn Press)
Angels and Gemstone Guardians Cards (Findhorn Press)
Archangels & Gemstone Guardians Cards (Findhorn Press)
Crystal Intentions Oracle: Guidance and Affirmations (Llewellyn Worldwide)
Nine spoken audio/guided meditations CDs
Cord Cutting: Releasing the Energetic Ties of the Past (Findhorn Press)
Chakra Balancing Crystal Alignment (Findhorn Press)
Color Meditation: Align Your Chakras
Meet Your Master Guide
Open Your Heart to Love
Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation
Short Meditations for Busy People
Meet Your Power Animal: A Drumming Journey Think Good Thoughts: Positive Affirmations for Everyday Living
Upcoming HULU and Amazon TV series launching in 2016: Mandala Episode on Crystals and Gemstones for Mindfulness, Meditation, and Manifestation.